By Jack, Tomi and Georgia
Religion Indonesia has many religions. The main four religions that are celebrated are Muslim, Buddhism, Christian, Hinduism. We have placed a pie graph of there religion on this slide. Islam is another religion in Indonesia. Islam Religion came into Indonesia some time in the 12 th century at the tip of Sumatra. Islam is a religion in Indonesia and it covers 80 percent of people.
Culture The culture of Indonesia is very different to ours. They have an art called Batik, it’s the art of applying wax to cloth and then tie-dying in colourful and dramatic designs. They also have many different types of food. This is a breakfast food, babur ayam it’s a sweet porridge made from rice or mung beans, with chicken.
This Is A Recipe Continuing the page of Culture Gado-Gado: This dish is steamed vegetables with peanut sauce. Ingredients for two: Vegetables:250g bean sprouts,250g sliced green beans, 2 thinly sliced carrots, 2 thinly sliced potatoes, 2 hard boiled eggs, Peanut sauce: 200g crunchy peanut butter, 200ml coconut milk, 2 teaspoons soy sauce a crushed clove of garlic, if desired. Method: Steam or boil the bean sprouts, green beans, carrots and potatoes until just tender. In a saucepan, mix the peanut butter, coconut milk, soy sauce and garlic into a smooth sauce over a low heat. Slice the eggs and arrange them on a plate with the steamed vegetables. Pour the peanut sauce over the top of the vegetables. Serve the Gado-Gado with steamed rice.
Fact file continuing culture Wayang kulit is a shadow puppet show. The puppets are made of leather. Wayang golek is a play using wooden puppets. Wayang topeng is a performance by actors wearing masks. Traditional wayang performances last all night.
Laws Indonesia is a constitutional republic with three government divisions. The president leads the executive branch for a five-year term. The legislative branch, which is called the peoples consultative Assembly, elects the president.
Indonesia’s President Continue of laws Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono was born on September 9, Mr. Yudhoyono is a retired Indonesian army general. He is the current president of Indonesia. Yudhoyono won the 2004 Indonesian presidential election defeating President Megawati Sukarnoputi.
Customs Indonesia celebrates a day called Muslim New Year's Day. It is celebrated on April the 6 th. They also celebrate Christmas, Good Friday and many more Christian celebrations. They celebrate a day called Indonesian Independence Day on August the 17 th. They also celebrate Waisak day which is celebrated on Thursday 18 th. They celebrate Hindu Dharma on Tuesday April 4.
Customs Indonesians celebrate a day called Independence day. On that day the people of Indonesia hang up banners on their houses to celebrate. Government offices are draped in red and white bunting.
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