Geology of Illinois Garden of the Gods – Shawnee Hills
Apple River, Near Galena
Mississippi Palisades, Savannah, IL
Rockford, Illinois
Starved Rock State Park
Major cycles of variation in temperature
Causes of 100,000 year cycle in temperature variation
Earth during Wisconsinian glaciation
Wisconsinian Glaciation
Wisconsinian vs. Today
Glacial Landforms – North America
Glacial Moraines
Glacial Deposits Glacial till - unsorted, unstratified mixture of clay, silt, sand and cobbles deposited directly by glaciers - glaciers pick up tremendous amounts of sediment and rock Glacial drift - the general term for sediment and rock left by glaciers is drift - deposits of clay, silt, sand, gravel and boulders left by glaciers or their meltwater streams
Exposed glacial till
Glacial Drift at Fox River Stone Company – St. Charles, IL – 100 feet of drift over bedrock
Illinois River Valley
Glacial Moraines
Moraines in Illinois – Wisconsinian Glacier
Moraine View State Park
Moraine on Illinois Hwy 4
Recent Geology - Illinois
Endangered Wetland Regions and Endangered Species
Prairie pothole ponds and marshes
Drainage Ditches
Installing drainage tiles
Glacial erratic in Alberta
Glacial Erratic – New York
Exposed Loess Deposit
Glacial Landscape – Cross-section
Glacial Landscape – McHenry County, IL
Illinois Climate
Mean Monthly Temperatures – Urbana, Illinois –
Pollen Data – from Nova Scotia
Tree Distributions – Post-Glacial
Cyclical climate and ecological change at Billy’s Lake, MN 10,000 to 8020 BP - jack pine, red pine forest with some oaks 8020 to 3400 BP - grassy prairies with sage (5000 to 4000 BP) and with oak after that 3400 to 1000 BP - deciduous forest - oak- grass to oak-birch to birch-hornbeam 1000 BP to present - pine forest - birch- white pine