S4 Parents National Qualifications Tuesday 29 th September 2015.


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Presentation transcript:

S4 Parents National Qualifications Tuesday 29 th September 2015

Qualification Framework Old SystemRevised SystemCurriculum for Excellence 1/2 Access 1 and 2 Access 1 and 2 National 1/2 1/2 3 Foundation S Grade Access 3 National General S Grade Intermediate 1 National Credit S Grade Intermediate 2 National Higher Higher Higher 6 7 Advanced Higher Advanced Higher Advanced Higher 7

Progression Routes For pupils the progression can be… N4 > N5 > H > AH However there will be subjects you can start in S5 and S6 at N5 or Higher with no previous Senior Phase study.

Assessment in the New Qualifications National 1/2/3/4 are entirely internally assessed. Mostly 3 units plus a value added task. They are pass/fail. NO EXTERNAL EXAMINATION. National 5/Higher/Advanced Higher have mostly 3 internally assessed units and an external examination. Graded A to D, with A, B and C being considered passes. EXTERNAL EXAMINATION.

Estimates Jan/Feb Estimates run from Thursday 28 th January until Wednesday 10 th February. As not all subjects levels have external examinations some subjects have no estimates. Study leave for S4 is for the day of the examination and the day before unless it is a Monday examination. Other than that pupils should attend normal classes.

Art, Design and Technology Courses

Art & Design Course Units :Expressive Folio 40% & AssessmentDesign Folio 40% Exam 20% Course ethos: Individual, skill focused learning. Imagining, Refining, Developing and Creating Keeping to set deadlines and responding to feedback Commenting critically on current and historical Artists and their work

Design & Manufacture Course Units:Design Unit (Desk Tidy) Manufacture Unit (Wee Clock) Course Assessment:Design Folio 30% Manufacture 30% Exam 40% Course ethos: Modern and traditional manufacture Challenging and engaging real world design situations Problem solving, analysis and critical reflection Working as a team and individually

Graphic Communication Course Units:Childrens Toy Cinema 3D Spex CAD & DPT (Wall Display) Course Assessment:Design Assignment 50% Exam 50% Course ethos: Mix of traditional and digital Graphic Design Scenario focussed design challenges Broad range of skills – CAD, Media, sketching/drawing & packaging Graphic Design analysis, problem solving and creative thinking

Practical Woodworking Course Units:Flat Frame (Mirror) Machining and Finishing (Tool Box) Carcass Construction (Shelving) Course Assessment:Practical Activity 100% Course ethos: Developing Skills in Communication, Numeracy & Working with others Taking pride in your work showing attention to detail Solving construction and craft problems with safety Preparing for industry and the world of work

How Qualifications Work… History Internally marked CodeNational 3National 4National 5Higher H205Scottish H20CBritish H20DEuropean and world H20EHistory Assignment Externally Marked Exam and Assignment Generally 3 units Plus For National 4 : An assignment/Test For National 5 and Higher an external exam and/or an assignment These additional elements assess how the student can draw on, extend and apply the course work as well as assessing their Knowledge and understanding

Recognising Positive Achievement What happens if a pupil does not get an award in the level because they have not passed an element at that level. Here a History pupil has….. Not passed all the units at National 5 and so has no award in the National 5 course. Completed and passed the missing unit at National 4 AND Passed the History Assignment at National 4 The pupil is awarded a National 4 Pass. UnitLevelResult ScottishNational 5Pass British National 5 National 4 Fail Pass European and worldNational 5Pass History AssignmentNational 4Pass Course Award National 4 Pass

Recognising Positive Achievement What if I Fail the Exam? An English pupil has Passed the units but has no award in the National 5 external assessment If they have completed and passed the National 4 English Assignment AND the National 4 or 5 Literacy The pupil is awarded a Pass at National 4. UnitLevelResult Analysis and Evaluation National 5Pass Creation and Production National 5Pass External Assessment National 5No Award Literacy National 4 or 5 Pass English AssignmentNational 4Pass Course Award National 4 Pass Note : it may be that work done for National 5 can be assessed to award the required Passes

Assessment in Science National 5 Overall Grade based on… “Traditional Paper” 80 marks “Assignment” 20 marks

Assessment in Science National 5 … but to achieve a course award, pupils must PASS ALL following internal elements “Outcome 1” practical and write-up (1 only) “Outcome 2” Knowledge and Understanding (2.1) & Problem Solving (2.2)

Assessment in Science Outcome 1

Assessment in Science Pupil A gains a course award Pupil B cannot gain course award…Passes Natures Chemistry and Chemistry in Society Pupil C cannot gain course award…and passes no units

Assessment in Science National 4 No final exam…pass or fail …but to achieve a course award, pupils must PASS ALL following internal elements “Outcome 1” practical and write-up (1 only) “Outcome 2” Knowledge and Understanding (2.1) in all 3 units Short Report (2.2 &2.3) in 1 unit Problem Solving (2.4) in one unit A Fourth “Added Value” unit (like the Nat 5 assignment but marked internally

Exceptional Circumstances This for candidates who… Have been unable to attend an exam through illness or some other valid reason Or… Whose performance has been fundamentally affected due to a valid reason out-with their control Exceptional circumstances include… Bereavement and serious illness. Minor ailments, requests for candidates who want to go on holiday or attend weddings or festivals are not considered as exceptional circumstances.

The service operates DURING the exams before the exam results are sent out. If the school believes that a candidate is likely to have been affected by exceptional circumstances, we must inform SQA within 10 working days of the exam. The school then must submit alternative evidence in support of the candidate. If we have no evidence we cannot ask for this. The decision to submit a request will be made by the Head Teacher/Principal. The candidate’s final award will be decided by SQA, however it may not be the grade that was estimated by the school. Exceptional Circumstances

What does it mean for Pupils and parents If a pupil is ill and cannot attend an exam or… If the pupil feels their performance has been fundamentally affected due to a VALID reason out- with their control Then we need to know on the day of the exam so we can consider if exceptional circumstances are warranted.

Post Results Service Following the exams there are now No Appeals If the school is concerned about a candidates mark then we can ask for a Clerical Check : This makes sure all the marks have been entered and totalled and nothing is missing. And A Marking Review: The marking is reviewed to ensure it is in line with the national standard.

Post Results Service The service should only be used where… There is a SIGNIFICANT difference in the candidates performance from that predicted. For example C instead of A or No award when a B. The school considers they have significant evidence to show that there may have been an error. Pupils/Parents can ask about a review but it is ultimately the school’s decision.

Post Results Service Please note… If the review is unsuccessful the school is charged for the review. Results can go DOWN as well as UP!