 William Bragg  Martin Pyle  Antony Hewish  Lord Rutherford  Dorothy Hodgkin  Florence Nightingale  Princess Diana  Alexander Flemming  Lord.


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Presentation transcript:

 William Bragg  Martin Pyle  Antony Hewish  Lord Rutherford  Dorothy Hodgkin  Florence Nightingale  Princess Diana  Alexander Flemming  Lord Florey  Ernest Chain  Francis Crick  Maurice Wilkins  James Watson  William Shakespeare

W. Shakespeare F. Nightingale Princess Diana

   junior.kent.sch.uk/customs/questions/famous_people.ht m junior.kent.sch.uk/customs/questions/famous_people.ht mwww.woodlands- junior.kent.sch.uk/customs/questions/famous_people.ht m    1. Name 5 British writers. What books did they write?  2. What was Winston Churchill?  3. Who won the Battle of Trafalgar?  4. What was Captain Scott famous for?  5. Over 80 Britons have received Nobel Prizes. Who are they?  6. What were they awarded Nobel Prizes for?  7. Who are some Russians who have been awarded Nobel Prizes?

 William Bragg  Martin Pyle  Antony Hewish  Lord Rutherford  Francis Crick  Maurice Wilkins  James Watson  a method of determining crystal structure using X-rays  discovery of the molecular structure of DNA  research in radioastrophysics  investigations into the decay of elements