William Bragg Martin Pyle Antony Hewish Lord Rutherford Dorothy Hodgkin Florence Nightingale Princess Diana Alexander Flemming Lord Florey Ernest Chain Francis Crick Maurice Wilkins James Watson William Shakespeare
W. Shakespeare F. Nightingale Princess Diana
junior.kent.sch.uk/customs/questions/famous_people.ht m junior.kent.sch.uk/customs/questions/famous_people.ht mwww.woodlands- junior.kent.sch.uk/customs/questions/famous_people.ht m 1. Name 5 British writers. What books did they write? 2. What was Winston Churchill? 3. Who won the Battle of Trafalgar? 4. What was Captain Scott famous for? 5. Over 80 Britons have received Nobel Prizes. Who are they? 6. What were they awarded Nobel Prizes for? 7. Who are some Russians who have been awarded Nobel Prizes?
William Bragg Martin Pyle Antony Hewish Lord Rutherford Francis Crick Maurice Wilkins James Watson a method of determining crystal structure using X-rays discovery of the molecular structure of DNA research in radioastrophysics investigations into the decay of elements