Implementation of the EUTR in Germany and the role of certification Conference „Forest for Future Generations“ June 2013 Berlin Thorsten Hinrichs
Thorsten Hinrichs, BMELV National Law in Germany Holzhandels-Sicherungs-Gesetz - HolzSiG (Timber Trade Safeguard Act) In place since July 15 th 2011: Implementation of FLEGT-Regulation (No. 2173/2005) Updated May 9th 2013: Integration of EUTR –Rights of competent authority –Sanctions –Information sharing
Thorsten Hinrichs, BMELV Competent authority Bundesanstalt für Landwirtschaft und Ernährung (BLE) Controls also food and agricultural goods Central office in Bonn Several district offices with inspectors Responsible only for timber imports, not for domestic timber (→authorities of the Länder) All operators have to register with BLE Customs cooperates with BLE
Thorsten Hinrichs, BMELV Competent authority BLE controls following a risk based approach: Products, timber species, countries, quantity Using the DDS of an MO? Certified? First 5 operators have been controlled so far, 50 more to follow during the next weeks
Thorsten Hinrichs, BMELV Third parties verified schemes EUTR:No „green lane“ but may be used for risk assessment and risk mitigation EU- Implementing regulation (No. 607/2012): 4 criteria: Publicly available system of requirements Regular checks by a third party Means to trace timber at any point in supply chain Ensure exclusion of timber of unknown or illegal origin
Thorsten Hinrichs, BMELV Third parties verified schemes Guidance Document EUTR: Operator has to make sure: No gaps (e.g. laws or % of unclear origin)? Compliant with international or European standards (e.g. ISO-guides)? Substantiated reports about possible shortcomings of the schemes in the specific countries?
Thorsten Hinrichs, BMELV Critical points for successfull implementation Consistent implementation in all EU-MS EU-COM and MS Reliable information for authorities and industry Exchange of information between competent authorities of the different EU-MS Efficient Control Take into account the actual situation (e.g. no MOs yet) consequent action in case of violations
Thorsten Hinrichs European and International Forest Policy Federal Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Consumer Protection (BMELV) Rochusstr Bonn Germany Thank you!