Forum on the Future of Agriculture 2010 What is Russia’s agricultural potential. What is needed to unlock/realize it? Minister of Agriculture of the Republic of Lithuania Mr. Kazys Starkevičius 6 September
2 – Agricultural sector in national economy – share of agriculture, forestry and fishery in gross value added, % Lithuania3,94,4 Russia4,2 ЕU-271,91,8
Share of e mployees in agriculture, % 3
4 Production of main agricultural products per capita (kilograms), 2008
5 Self-sufficiency production of main agricultural products 2008, % GrainМeatМilkEggs Lithuania Russia
6 Consumption of main foodstuffs per capita, 2008 (kilograms)
Average yield of grain crops, 100 kg/ha and milk yield, 2009 LithuaniaRussia Grain33,8 22,7 of which : wheat winter 4429 Milk yield per cow, kg
Main agricultural and food products exported to Russia in 2009: 1. Value of exported products, in million EUR: 9
STRUCTURE OF AGRICULTURAL OUTPUT BY TYPES OF FARMS (at actual prices; percentage of the total) LithuaniaRussia All types of farms100 of which: agricultural enterprises 28,745,9 private households 71,3 46,4 peasant private farms 7,7 10
11 Production of main agricultural products by type of farms, 2009 Production of main agricultural products by type of farms, 2009 (All farms = 100 %) Lithuania Russia
Rye bred and milk price chain. Share of revenue % 12
Number of farmer’s market places 13
14 Lithuanian national heritage products, traditional handicrafts concepts, principles of classification, certification procedures and support scheme are regulated by the following legal acts: - The Law on Products of National Heritage (2007). - Rules for certification of products of national heritage, training programmes of traditional crafts and traditional fairs, including the certification and attestation of craftsmen (2008). Traditional products and traditional species of plants, animals and their products are certified by the Ministry of Agriculture, in accordance with the opinion of experts in this field. 22 projects in 2009 and 14 projects in 2010 were supported from the national budget with the aim to present national heritage products in the exhibitions, fairs and other events. LITHUANIAN NATIONAL HERITAGE (1)
15 LITHUANIAN NATIONAL HERITAGE (2) National heritage products - certified manufacturing craft products made from traditional materials by hand or by using the old or the corresponding new technologies, while preserving the unique characteristics of the products and qualitative composition. Products must have the qualitative features of the Lithuanian ethnic cultural traditions. In order to certify products, the craftsmen have to submit an application form to the Ministry of Agriculture, a detailed description of the product and other documents proving the product's traditional character. Currently there are certified and recognized as national heritage products: traditional food products, - about 470 handicraft products, - 11 traditional breeds and their products, - 19 traditional plant species and their products.
RURAL TOURISM RURAL TOURISM Rural tourism in Lithuania is regulated by the Lithuanian tourism Law and by the rural tourism service requirements. All tourism activities are in the regulation of the Ministry of Economy, though the Ministry of Agriculture is responsible for the promotion of rural tourism and its development when it is done using the EU funds. In order to represent their interests, the operating entities have established the Lithuanian Rural Tourism Association (hereinafter - the Association). Lithuania has 588 registered rural tourism providers (400 are members of an association).
Thank you very much for your attention. Minister of Agriculture of the Republic of Lithuania Mr. Kazys Starkevičius 17