Urbanization The primary rationale for planning
An Understanding of Urbanization There is a strength in numbers Security Social Interaction Economic Agglomeration Olynthos, Greece 423 B.C. http://www.trentu.ca/faculty/rfitzsimons/AHCL2200Y/11-02/(03)%20Olynthos%20(02).jpg
An Understanding of Urbanization There is a strength in numbers Security Social Interaction Economic Agglomeration
Flatiron Building, NYC http://pixhost.me/pictures/1729398 Early U.S. Cities 1800 5 million persons 300,000 in cities 1900 30 million persons 76 million in cities Growth rate (1800-1900) 2.4% National 5% Urban Flatiron Building, NYC http://pixhost.me/pictures/1729398
What Contributed to Urban Growth? Natural Increase and Immigration Agricultural Productivity Industry and Mass Production Low-cost Transportation
Population Growth Natural Increase Births - Deaths Affluence in Cities (relative) Immigration Fleeing desperate situations Drawn to Opportunities Immigrants at Castle Garden, NY http://www.gjenvick.com/images/Fig03-LandingImmigrantsAtCastleGarden.jpg
Agricultural Productivity Productivity, defined Creating a push from rural areas to the city http://www.learnnc.org/lp/media/uploads/2009/09/3a10809r.jpg http://us.bergstrominc.com/agriculture/
Mass Production More work for more people Industrialization of many goods required workers Wages, jobs and standards of living were greater in cities Mass production created more, cheaper goods for everyone the ability to buy those goods was another matter entirely http://web.bryant.edu/~ehu/h364proj/sprg_99/mccormick/history.htm http://kingkong-research.wikispaces.com/Cultural+History
Low Cost Transport Railroads Canal Systems Import / Export Agricultural goods Manufactured goods http://voteview.com/rtopic4b.htm http://history.furman.edu/benson/hst121/hst121wk11.htm
Urban Density Largely Explained by Industrialization Agglomeration economies emerged Transportation Comparative costs of water vs land transport http://www.urbanohio.com/forum2/index.php/topic,17719.0.html http://www.urbanohio.com/forum2/index.php/topic,17719.0.html
Urban Density http://dtsdapache.hershey.k12.pa.us/wpmu/hs_ac2/2009/01/09/new-york-tenement-houses-what-were-they-really-like/ http://www.maggieblanck.com/NewYork/Leslie1865.html
City / Suburb Dynamic Growth, often seen as parasitic Difference in rate of growth, not absolute growth
Explanation for Growth Transportation Technology / Infrastructure Federal Policies Affluence of Population Suburbanization of Employment