Diseases of lower urinary tract
Infection. Tumor Trauma Urolithiasis
UTI inflammatory response of the urothelium to bacterial invasion that is usually associated with bacteriuria and pyuria
Bacteriuria is the presence of bacteria in the urine symptomatic or asymptomatic Pyuria, the presence of white blood cells (WBCs) in the urine Cystitis usually associated with dysuria, frequency, and/or urgency. Suprapubic pain and hematuria are less common
Diagnosis direct or indirect analysis of the urine and is confirmed by urine culture. Urine Collection Voided and Catheterized Specimens Suprapubic Aspiration
Symptoms Treatment antibiotic anticholinergic ?
condition diagnosed on a clinical basis often exacerbated by bladder filling and associated with urinary frequency bladder and/or urethral and/or pelvic pain, irritative voiding symptoms, and sterile urine cultures
30% to 40% of all extrapulmonary TB. occurs secondary to TB of the kidney Mycobacterium tuberculosis in the urine. sterile pyuria often accompanied by hematuria and proteinuria
Cystoscopy : limited role in the diagnosis of TB. no pathognomonic findings that are specific for tuberculosis Treatment antituberculous chemotherapy Augmentation cystoplasty ( <100ml )
chronic infection Schistosoma. Symptoms:- Diagnosis:- The presence of terminally spined eggs in the urinary sediment is diagnostic of active S. haematobium infection
Treatment :- Medical-> antischistosomal drugs (Praziquantel ) Surgical-> for ureteral stricture
Infection. Tumor Trauma Urolithiasis
BENIGN TUMORS :- 1 - Epithelial Metaplasia 40% of women and 5% of men have squamous metaplasia of the bladder, which is usually related to infection, trauma, and surgery 2- Leukoplakia keratin deposition that appears as a white flaky substance floating in the bladder
3- Papilloma is a benign proliferative growth. 4- Nephrogenic Adenoma caused by chronic irritation. composed of glandular-appearing tubules similar to renal tubules. 5- Cystitis Cystica and Glandularis. 6- Leiomyoma
TCC 7% of all cancers Males are 3 to 4 times> females. causes: ………… Gross, painless hematuria is the primary symptom in 85% 20% will have a urologic malignancy, and 12% will have a bladder tumor
Treatment: TUR-BT Chemotherapy – UB. instelation Radical cystectomy. Partial cystectomy. radiotherapy
Sarcoma s most common mesenchymal tumor. Small Cell Carcinoma metastatic disease, even if there is no radiologic evidence of disease outside the bladder. Squamous Cell Cancer
Infection. Tumor Trauma Urolithiasis
Protected from external trauma. 80% to 94% of patients have significant associated nonurologic injuries obstetric and gynecologic complications are the most common causes of bladder injuries. Extraperitoneal. Intraperitoneal
the most reliable indicator is gross hematuria, which is present in nearly all cases
car accidents, falls, or industrial accidents. blood at the meatus, inability to urinate, and palpably full bladder Ascending uretherogram.
Infection. Tumor Trauma Urolithiasis
BLADDER CALCULI 5% of all urinary stone disease Primary No functional, anatomic, or infectious factors. Most common in children younger than the age of 10 Rarely recur after treatment
typically found in men older than the age of 60. lower urinary tract obstruction. 3%-7% of patients will report a history of renal colic foreign body in the bladder Neurogenic Bladder and Spinal Cord Injury
Intermittency, frequency, urgency, dysuria, decreased force of the urinary stream, incontinence, and lower abdominal pain
Cystolithotomy Cystolithlapaxy. Shockwave Lithotripsy
99% of asymptomatic adult men noted to have some degree of prostatic calcification at the time of autopsy, regardless of age most prostatic calculi are asymptomatic
Migratory Calculi Primary Urethral Calculi Symptoms Treatment
Catheter Size Based on Age AGE IN YRCATHETER SIZE (FR) < >