Context: definition and specification
Leuven, 21 november 2003 Agenda Introduction Work method Context in literature Definitions Specifications Where are we? Definition Specification Conclusion
Leuven, 21 november 2003 Introduction Context = con – text Comes from literature General meaning Facts or circumstances surrounding situation or event In computer science No consensus Case based Poses new challenges
Leuven, 21 november 2003 Work methodology Workgroup Understanding of context in literature Decisions about context based on literature Understanding of own needs Discussion with partners Preliminary validation Scenarios with use cases and behaviour Sample specifications Validation Work packages in first two years Review after two years
Leuven, 21 november 2003 Literature: definitions Different definitions Main properties of information in context (HCI) : Important parts who, where, what [Schilit94] physical environment and software [Calvary 2002] Relevant to interaction [Dey 2001] About present and past [Coutaz 2002] Other properties Distributed sources Automated and human input Ambiguous
Leuven, 21 november 2003 Literature: definitions Other definition [Van Kranenburg 2003] User context person's environment, physiological and mental context, task, social, spaciotemporal domain, preferences Service/Application context available and used applications, subscribed services Session context which service, contacts, kind of data, bandwidth Access Network Context properties of available networks Terminal Context display size, memory communication interfaces Service Platform Context subscriber info: access rights, privacy, location,...
Leuven, 21 november 2003 Literature: specification Languages SGML [Brown 1995] XML [Winograd 2001] Text [Winograd 2001] XML [Hong 2001] OWL [Chen 2003] RDF [Korpipää 2003] XML [Van Kranenburg 2003] What? Notes [Brown 1995] Log [Winograd 2001] Events [Winograd 2001] Configuration [Hong 2001] Ontology [Chen 2003] Log [Korpipää 2003] Location [Van Kranenburg 2003]
Leuven, 21 november 2003 Our working definition Context is any information held on a per-platform basis that is relevant for the interaction of a subject (person or service) with the platform and tells something about: The platform The user The environment The services
Leuven, 21 november 2003 Preliminary context The platform technical specification (CPU, RAM, I/O,...) runtime environment (OS, VM,...) The user (human) personal information (privacy!) global preferences (as opposed to per-service) Environment physical information ... Services what the platform provides to third parties
Leuven, 21 november 2003 Specification Per platform Single specification Local and Compact Delegates to Other (existing) specifications Services Language Standard notation In evaluation: RDF
Leuven, 21 november 2003 Conclusion Context definition and specification Work in progress Steered by scenarios Taking into account literature and standards Validation Review Other work packages Reiteration After 2 years based on gained experience Work packages Feedback