1 Ministry of Forests and Range C&E and FRPA Cassandra Mann Legislation & Policy Forester Compliance & Enforcement Branch Ministry of Forests & Range A presentation at the PFIT Post FSP Workshop by Cassandra Mann on the Compliance and Enforcement Program and FRPA.
2 Compliance & Enforcement C&E is about compliance with, and enforcement of, the law as set out in the statutes. FRPA, Forest Act, Range Act, Wildfire Act, Environmental Management Act, etc.
3 What’s the Same under FRPA Our model is basically the same Risk and priority based approach to inspection resource allocation The compliance and enforcement tools Powers of the Forest Officials/Officers Field inspections are basically the same
4 What is new under FRPA The changes are around checking results or strategies We need new analysis tools and the data to do the analysis We need to schedule some inspections differently We need to make “inspections” inclusive of multiple sites over time and include non field work
5 What is new under FRPA The other change for C&E is dealing with evaluating whether the results and strategies are measurable or verifiable prior to FSP approval C&E provides this evaluation to the DDM
6 What is C&E doing? Districts have been encouraged to try new approaches. An example of this is the Arrow Boundary District Results Based Inspection (RBI) pilot. A provincial working group has been formed that is reviewing these pilots and developing procedures on how to “inspect” results and strategies A provincial working group is updating the Compliance Procedures
7 C&E FSP Working Group TOR To develop a process to measure compliance with FRPA legislation, FSP results, strategies and measures, which may be for landscape level, multi-block or multi-year by investigating what the legislated requirements are and what tools or processes are being used To develop a risk rating process for results, strategies, measures and notification and reporting requirements
8 Scheduling/information tools. Several districts have developed spread sheets or data bases for FSPs into which they enter for each result, strategy, measure or practice the following: What WhoWhere WhenHow This is anticipated to aid MOFR & Licensees to anticipate info needs Ideas being considered
9 Example Value: Timber - Seed transfer Inspection Type: Office Who: C&E tech or forester Schedule: Annual, after May 1 reporting deadline Process: Identify fiscal year seed use within planting units through Results Reports Confirm seed use follows CF Standards using mapView and SPAR. Enter inspection results into CIMS
10 C&E FSP Working Group Timelines Draft Procedures early spring Identify districts interested in trialing Train district staff prior to 2007 Trial new procedures during 2007 field season So you may hear from us regarding checking your Results and Strategies in your office soon.