Setting Standards Demanding the best in low vision services Mary Bairstow Low Vision Steering Group Thursday May 8th 2008
Standards in Low Vision What a history (a reminder) What standards? And young people?
Low Vision Services Implementation Late 1990’s More and better services Low vision report Suggests Low Vision Services Committees Late 1990’s More and better services Low vision report Sets standards and suggests lvsc’s as a means to change Sets standards
LVSCs (Wiltshire the newest)
Setting standards Get everyone around the table Identify what needs to be done (then …. make plans about how to do it…….work with local commissioners (PCTs, social care and education) Monitor
So why the negativity? “Low vision committees are struggling to make an impact. They're very useful for sharing information and getting services talking to one another but beyond that you achieve nothing or very little. And engaging whether it's the PCTs or local authority health partnerships - if you can't engage with them you get nowhere. Low vision is not a priority”. BBC ‘In Touch’ programme - Nalsvi Conference July 2007
But what vision 1/4 of service providers admit their services less than satisfactory or unsatisfactory AMD Alliance 2006 and……… Service users do not know what they can expect from service providers Low Vision Project National Evaluation Report 2005 plus…………. Some LVSCs lack clarity about their purpose (despite the clear remit given in the 1999 Report) Low Vision Project National Evaluation Report 2005
Seeking a solution? How you would you recognise a good service?
Making them work Voluntary sector recommendations, Foreword - Frank Dobson Recommended by the DH, endorsed by LVSG
Ideally -What status DH or Voluntary Sector or ? Any one else?
1999 standards Who, where, what, when, continued support and monitoring services….. –Not clinical parameters –Close to home –Eye exam…. to certification … to vision enhancement training……... –Within 6 weeks –Returning as required –Monitored
New standards 6 Headings Design Principles Referral, assessment and service Information Service improvement, monitoring and evaluation of the service Training Communication
What’s new? Emphasis on ‘booking of appointments’ Reference to service being refused Notes on CRB checks Single contact point (though this is mentioned as an LVSC aim) Directions for commissioners
What’s been lost? Notion of implementation or governance ( LVSCs ) Sense of ‘the essential’ Some specifics - Transport - Issues of geography
Issues - young people Identifying needs Registration, statements…baseline referral criteria Child specific visual function - ‘plasticity’ 3D vision, binocular vision, accommodation, etc……. Time lines - birth, childhood, adolescence, transitions Commissioning - Children’s Trusts, role of personalised budgets, minority v majority Training Participation - self advocated care Co-ordination
Why is it timely ? UK Vision Strategy Department of Health Commissioning Toolkit for Community Eye Care Services
The task Setting a standard for Children Today Have a vision Engage in debate Establish what’s needed - consensus approach Tomorrow + Support the LVSG Children’s Sub Publicise Debate
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