WRC–12 Industry Debrief 23 April 2012 Agenda item 1.17 Presenter: Neil Meaney
Agenda Item to consider results of sharing studies between the mobile service and other services in the band 790–862 MHz in Regions 1 and 3, in accordance with Resolution 749 (WRC ‑ 07), to ensure the adequate protection of services to which this frequency band is allocated, and take appropriate action
Australian Position Primarily a Region 1 issue Use of the band MHz is a national planning matter for Australia due to its geographic isolation Australia is not a Contracting Member of the GE-06 Agreement and did not wish to be bound by provisions of that Agreement or similar agreements primarily due to the reasons cited in the first dot point above Australia supported no change to the RRs except for revision to Res.749. Consistent with APT Common Position
WRC Outcomes Extension of Region 1 Mobile Service Allocation from 790 MHz to 694 MHz Unexpected WRC-12 outcome Advocated by the Arab and African blocks Europe and RCC initially not supportive Complex/sensitive issues largely resolved ‘offline’ Extension agreed with an effective from a date in 2015 Arrangements at the lower edge of the mobile allocation being considered during the next study cycle Agenda Item 1.2.
WRC Outcomes Inter-regional (Regions 1/3) Sharing – Rec [JTG5-6] Number of inputs proposed the adoption of additional arrangements in new Rec [JTG5-6] between GE-06 and non-GE-06 countries in Region 1 and Region 3. Advocated by the RCC Deal reached and held that provided no substantive changes to Res. 224 were made no new Rec [JTG5-6] was required Agreement held No new Rec [JTG5-6]
WRC Outcomes Intra-Region 1 Sharing – Revisions to Resolution 749 Major issue of debate was the effect of aggregate versus single entry interference from the mobile service into the broadcasting service RCC and Iran wanted aggregation addressed, CEPT did not share the concerns Delicate compromise was reached Revised Res. 749 acknowledged cumulative effects and noted that studies under Res. 224 need to take into account the cumulative effect of interference. Scope of Res. 749 recognised as applying to Region 1 and Iran only
WRC Outcomes Revisions to Footnotes 5.296, 5.312, 5.316A & B etc Revisions to various existing Region 1footnotes considered Aspects were the subject of considerable debate between Region 1 countries who where attempting (with varying degrees of succuss) to add their names to various footnotes. Region 1 footnotes: No outcomes with respect to these footnotes are of concern to Australia.
Outcomes and Follow Up Australian objectives achieved Good Region 3 coordination and cooperation (KOR) No regulatory arrangements were put in place relevant to Australia therefore no specific follow-up action necessary Initial ‘Follow debate’ position for AI 1.2