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Presentation transcript:

An from Donna 王彩琴 河南师范大学外国语学院

Dear Caiqin, It has been about 10 years since we met each other in Texas, my hometown, in How have you been doing? In the past 10 years, I’ve ever worked in Russia, India and New Zealand. And I’m going to teach English in China this September! People in different countries greet each other in different ways. We usually shake hands, and some people kiss or hug to greet each other. In India, people put their hands together and nod their heads. In Russia, people usually kiss three times: left, right, left. And do you know what Maori people in New Zealand do when they meet? They touch noses! How do you greet each other in China? Looking forward to meeting you in China. Best wishes. Donna

Key words and phrases Texas, Russia, India, New Zealand, greet, in different countries, in different ways, shake hands, kiss, hug, put hands together, nod heads, three times, Maori people, touch noses, looking forward to meeting you

in New Zealand (Maori people) in the US in Russia in India shake hands, or kiss and hug put hands together and nod heads touch noses kiss three times Listen and match. Ways of greetings (how)Country (where)

Watch - Say - Act

How do you greet…in class every day? WhoHow just smile and say "Nin Hao" your teachers your classmates stand up, bow, say "Lao Shi Hao"

How do your teachers and parents usually greet each other? They just smile, and shake hands.

文化背景(如:国度、地区、时间、身份、年龄、 场合等)影响并决定着 “ 问候方式 ” 的得体性。 我们在日常交际中要考虑 —— * 交流者之间的关系 * 交流的场合 * 交流的时间 * 交流的内容 * 交流的目的 * 交流者要表达的情感 who, where, when, what, why, how Smile is magic!

Homework Share the different ways of greetings with your parents. Check my draft to Donna, and me your findings: