MCA Benchmarking Orientation Webinar
Overview Introduction and Thank you! What is an MCA and why created? What does an MCA look like? Things to think about: benchmarking student work from the MCA Next Steps Overall timeline Discipline specific trainings
What’s an MCA and where do I find them?
What is an MCA? Model Cornerstone Assessment Written at 2 nd, 5 th, 8 th, and 3 high school levels Examples of how to richly assess student learning in the arts Modeled on the backwards design approach of Grant Wiggins and Jay McTighe Intent is to create high quality models of student assessment
Where to find the MCAs?
Where to find the MCAs?
What does an MCA look like?
MCA Overview
MCA: Short Description
MCA: Components Chart
MCA: Strategies for Embedding in Instruction
MCA: Detailed Assessment Procedures
MCA: Knowledge, Skills and Vocabulary
MCA: Inclusion, Differentiation and Resources
MCA: Scoring Devices
MCA: Assessment Focus
MCA Benchmarking A four step process -Step 1:pilot the tasks -Step 2: collect student work -Step 3: benchmark student work -Step 4: document & share the process
MCA Pilot = Testing the Tasks Goal of the grant: create professional development models to help teachers look at student work(benchmarking)benchmarking Auditioning the MCA’s in the real world
Things to think about Benchmarking Student Work
Benchmarking as a three-step process 1. “Priming the Pump” - Familiarizing yourself with the MCA, the rubrics for your MCA’s, and a few student work samples. 2. Scoring student work individually – prior to the Reston meeting – including how to do this 3. Benchmarking work as a team – the Reston meeting
Priming the Pump Review the MCAs prior to your discipline specific meeting What questions do you have – in particular, regarding the rubrics Attend your discipline specific meeting Dive deep into the MCAs for your discipline – specifically the rubrics that you will be using for your evaluation of student work Get a sense of the work Pull Random samples of student work – see what’s there – see the range of what’s possible May do this on your own May begin this work with your discipline training
Electronic Scoring Tools Dance, Media Arts, Theatre, Visual Arts
Scoring Individual Work Work will be found on a Moodle site You will have access via a username/password You will find folders of student work – student A, student B, etc. Review the totality of the student work available for each student Provide your scores – based exactly on the rubrics in the MCAs – using an online survey We will also ask for a holistic score
Scoring Individual Work - Support Work will be found on a Moodle site You will have access via a username/password You will find folders of student work – student A, student B, etc. Review the totality of the student work available for each student Provide your scores – based exactly on the rubrics in the MCAs – using an online survey We will also ask for a holistic score
Benchmarking as a team Based on your individual scoring ahead of Reston Pull 90 student work samples (including examples from all grade levels) As a team, you will determine which meet “standard” Opportunity to discuss the student work samples Opportunity to come to consensus Opportunity to determine when we cannot come to consensus … and possibly why?
Next Steps
Timeline Week of June 8 – discipline specific trainings Prime the pump – get online, find the student work and check it out Begin scoring when you are ready June 11 – July 2 – Score work individually Follow the lead of your discipline facilitator July 6 – fly into Reston, VA Nearest airport is Dulles July 7-9 – Meet and Benchmark as a team
Next steps Make certain your travel plans are in place with information/questions/approval Calendar your discipline training webinar Review the MCAs and rubrics – get your questions ready
Questions? What else can I answer?