Google Visualization Mapper Dr. Mike Mitri James Madison University
Data –to- Visualization Mappings Data-to-Visualization Mapping Algorithms Data Source Visualization Object User-generated SQL queries SQL Query results
Google Data Visualizations JavaScript library of objects and functions for various types of interactive charts, images, and animations Google’s visualization API website:
Some Google Visualizations Gauge TreeMap Motion Chart Dygraph (time series) All of these are interactive and can respond to user events.
Mapping Recursive Query to Google Data Visualization Org Chart Query should be a “recursive query” (e.g. based on a unary relationship of employees and their managers) Result set has two required fields (and one optional field) The dependent entity (e.g. the employee) The parent entity (e.g. the manager) Any extra information to display Result set is used to generate HTML and JavaScript Javascript executes in a browser to produce the org chart Org chart object in Google Documentation (note expected data format):
Result Set (from AdventureWorks database)
JavaScript Generated from Query and Result Set
JavaScript Generated from Query and Result Set Create data table
JavaScript Generated from Query and Result Set Define columns From result set metadata
JavaScript Generated from Query and Result Set Add a row of data From result set data
JavaScript Generated from Query and Result Set Create and draw visualization based on data table. The visualization should be associated with a <DIV> element in the html document.
Resulting Google Visualization
Screenshot of Google Visualization Generator User enters connection string and SQL query, and selects visualization type WebBrowser control contains resulting visualization JavaScript generated from query