Semantic Web Constraint Language complement and the editor development in Protégé Piao Guangyuan
2 1.Introduction 2.Related Works 3. Semantic Web Constraint Language complement and the editor development in Protégé Contents
3 1.Introduction 1.1. Background of the research 1.2. Why this research is needed? 1.3. Objectives of the research 2. Related Works 3. Semantic Web Constraint Language complement and the editor development in Protégé Contents
1). Supporting System for Shopping Decision Making based on Semantic Web Constraint Language (2006), Youn, Suk Hee 2). Application of Semantic Web Constraint Language SWCL for Virtual Enterprise (2007), Jeong, Kyunbum 4 Background of the research Semantic Web - The Semantic Web is a "man-made woven web of data" that facilitates machines to understand the semantics, or meaning, of information on the World Wide Web SWCL and the applications - Semantic Web Constraint Language (SWCL) was proposed in 2006 with the vision of complementing the constraints on data and concepts represented by ontology. - The Application of SWCL for decision making in internet shopping environment was proposed by Youn, Suk Hee 1) with an implementation of a shopping agent in the Semantic Web environment in Jeong, Kynbum 2), 2007 proposed to apply SWCL based on OWL to be possible interchanging constraints information among each other in the virtual enterprise and more flexible. 1. Introduction
5 The SWCL Syntax is uncomfortable to read and write Users need high level of knowledge in OWL All constraints related to objective are need to be defined manually It would be a tedious work to deal with expressing many constraints Difficult to generate and evaluate SWCL as well as inconvenient to users apply it to real problems. Why this research is needed? 1. Introduction
6 Objectives Develop Optimization Modeling Tool to manipulate SWCL simply. - Developed as a plug-in in Protégé which could reference classes and properties directly. - Make the generation process of SWCL straightforward. - CRUD functions have been provided to SWCL. - Adapting Manchester Syntax to write the domain description concisely.
7 1.Introduction 2. Related Works 2.1. Semantic Web 2.2. OWL SWRL 2.4. SWCL 2.5. Drawbacks of SWCL 3. Semantic Web Constraint Language complement and the editor development in Protégé Contents
8 Semantic Web - The Semantic Web is the extension of the World Wide Web that enables people to share content beyond the boundaries of applications and websites. OWL OWL 2 Web Ontology Language (OWL) is a Semantic Web language designed to represent rich and complex knowledge about things, groups of things, and relations between things. SWRL - Semantic Web Rule Language (SWRL) is a language based on a combination of the OWL DL and OWL Lite sublanguages of the OWL Web Ontology Language with the Unary/Binary Datalog RuleML sublanguages of the Rule Markup Language. Example: hasParent(?x1,?x2) ∧ hasBrother(?x2,?x3) ⇒ hasUncle(?x1,?x3) 2. Related works Semantic Web, OWL 2.0 and SWRL
9 The Purpose of SWCL - Representing mathematical expressions about constraints in the Semantic Web. - OWL and SWRL cannot support what relates mathematical expressions. - SWCL is the extended version of OWL, because of it’s data connection with OWL classes and properties in SWCL expressions. 2. Related works SWCL (Semantic Web Constraint Language) Country Province xsd:positiveInteger populationValue partOf Fig. 1. Country and province classes and the relationship of them
10 Fig. 2. SWCL structure 2. Related works SWCL (Semantic Web Constraint Language)
11 2. Related works SWCL Abstract Syntax
12 2. Related works The SWCL Syntax present is difficult to read and write Users need high level of knowledge in OWL It would be a tedious work to deal with expressing many constraints Drawbacks of SWCL In order to cope with these problems…
13 1.Introduction 2. Related Works 3. Semantic Web Constraint Language complement and the editor development in Protégé 3.1. Architecture of Optimization Modeling Tool using SWCL 3.2. SWCL Editor (Constraint Editor) Contents
14 Ontology-based Optimization Modeling Tool IBM Ilog Cplex Optimization Studio IBM Ilog Cplex Optimization Studio Protégé 4.1 Protégé 4.1 API OWL API Optimization Model Constructor Constraint Editor User Interface Objective Identification Constraint Identification Decision Variable Identification Optimization Model Identification Optimization Modeling Language Translator OWL/ SWCL Statement OWL/ SWCL Statement Ilog Statement 3.Ontology-based Optimization Modeling Tool using SWCL Architecture of Optimization Modeling Tool
15 The constraint editor of OMT which can help users Manipulate SWCL more straightforward Create, retrieve, update, delete SWCL easily Refer to resources in Protégé intuitively For the reasons, we develop Optimization Modeling Tool as a plug-in of Protégé… 3.Ontology-based Optimization Modeling Tool using SWCL Constraint Editor
Apply Manchester Syntax in variable’s class expressions which is 16 Designed to produce a syntax that was concise Designed for writing OWL class expressions Less verbose, quicker to write and easier to read Manchester Syntax - The Manchester OWL syntax is a user-friendly syntax for OWL 2 descriptions 3.Ontology-based Optimization Modeling Tool using SWCL Constraint Editor – Adapting Manchester Syntax Fig. 3. Class expression for variable x
17 Fig. 4. The Manchester OWL Syntax Class Constructors x partOf VALUE ?y Constraint Editor – Adapting Manchester Syntax 3.Ontology-based Optimization Modeling Tool using SWCL
18 3.Ontology-based Optimization Modeling Tool using SWCL Constraint Editor – Refer to classes and properties in Protégé easily Fig. 5. Screenshot of Protégé
19 3.Ontology-based Optimization Modeling Tool using SWCL Constraint Editor Adapting Manchester Syntax Referring resources in Protégé Fig. 6. Screenshot of Constriant Editor
20 Optimization Model Constructor – Objective Identification 3.Ontology-based Optimization Modeling Tool using SWCL Fig. 7. Screenshot of Objective View
21 Develop Optimization Modeling Tool to manipulate SWCL simply. - Developed as a plug-in in Protégé which could reference classes and properties directly. - Make the generation process of SWCL straightforward. - CRUD functions have been provided to SWCL. - Adapting Manchester Syntax to write the domain description concisely. 5. Conclusion
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