2 OVERVIEW Theory of Change Programmatic Approach
3 THEORY OF THE PROBLEM Gap in educational outcomes along socio-economic lines Lack of school capacitySocio-economic disparities National priorities and prevailing ideology OUR THEORY OF CHANGE Our Mission: To build the movement to eliminate educational inequity
4 One day, all children in this nation will have the opportunity to attain an excellent education LONG-TERM IMPACT Many alumni dedicate themselves to educational and social reform and assume significant leadership roles in effecting fundamental change As alumni assume positions of influence in all sectors, they influence our national priorities and prevailing ideology Corps members gain added commitment to address the problem, and insight about real solutions THEORY OF THE PROBLEM Gap in educational outcomes along socio-economic lines Lack of school capacitySocio-economic disparities National priorities and prevailing ideology We are building a highly selective corps by recruiting promising future leaders of all career interests to teach in low-income communities, and providing them with effective training and ongoing support SHORT-TERM IMPACT Corps members go above and beyond traditional expectations to ensure that more students growing up today have the educational opportunities they deserve OUR THEORY OF CHANGE
6 ALUMNI NETWORK ONGOING SUPPORT TRAINING PROGRAMMATIC APPROACH PLACEMENTSELECTIONRECRUITMENT Employ an aggressive “head-hunting” strategy on campuses Focus recruitment resources on proven achievers and leaders at the beginning of their career trajectory Recruit individuals of all career interests Ask for two-year commitment Focus on recruiting a diverse corps, with special emphasis on African-American and Latino recruits Offer financial aid to help make Teach For America more accessible
7 ALUMNI NETWORK ONGOING SUPPORT TRAINING PROGRAMMATIC APPROACH PLACEMENTSELECTIONRECRUITMENT Focus our selection process on identifying individuals who have demonstrated the characteristics of teachers who succeed in under-resourced schools In 2008, nearly 25,000 people applied; 3,700 were selected & matriculated; 86 came to the Delta More than 35,000 people applied for the 2009; we expect to field a corps of 4,100 – for the Delta Select individuals without regard for race, ethnicity, socio-economics or career plans Select individuals who are highly likely to be leaders in all areas of society in the course of their careers, both within and outside of education Selection Criteria: Achievement Perseverance Critical thinking skills Ability to influence and motivate others Organizational ability High expectations for children and families, and respect for others in low-income communities Desire to work relentlessly toward our mission and vision
8 ALUMNI NETWORK ONGOING SUPPORT TRAINING PROGRAMMATIC APPROACH PLACEMENTSELECTIONRECRUITMENT Place corps members in schools where they can reach the most economically disadvantaged students to deepen insight and further commitment Nationally, 80% students in schools where corps members teach receive free or reduced lunch; in our partnering Delta schools % of students receive free and reduced meals Place corps members based on districts’ needs and district, state, and federal No Child Left Behind requirements, while working to meet applicants’ placement preferences All Teach For America – Delta teachers meet federal and state requirements for “highly- qualified” and work to attain full certification during their tenure 97% of Delta principals reported that they would hire another TFA teacher if they had a vacancy at their school Cluster corps members within schools and Create a critical mass within each Delta community 94% of our current Delta corps members are teaching in schools with other corps members or Teach For America alumni
9 ALUMNI NETWORK ONGOING SUPPORT TRAINING PROGRAMMATIC APPROACH PLACEMENTSELECTIONRECRUITMENT Provide corps members with a solid foundation of skills and knowledge necessary to succeed, despite the very challenging situations in which they are placed, based on a six-course curriculum: Teaching as Leadership Instructional Planning and Delivery Classroom Management and Culture Literacy Development Learning Theory Diversity, Community, and Achievement 100% of the principals in the MS Delta responded positively when asked about the “overall impact of TFA teacher(s) in their school on student achievement,” 100% of Delta principals rated TFA teachers at their school were “well above average” as compared to other beginning teachers. 100% of principals in the MS Delta region reported that TFA teachers at their school made a positive difference in the school environment.
10 ALUMNI NETWORK ONGOING SUPPORT TRAINING PROGRAMMATIC APPROACH PLACEMENTSELECTIONRECRUITMENT Regional support network helps corps members advance students’ academic achievement Delta Induction and Orientation for new corps members Weekly community based meetings focused on planning, execution, and classroom management Regular cycles of classroom observations, reflection, and one-on-one, data-centered discussions regarding teacher’s/students’ academic progress against goals Monthly Professional Saturdays – with Courses and Learning Team Collaboratives, and optional targeted workshops Connection to on-line and concrete resources Foster culture of persistence and high expectations for teachers and their students Tuition-paid Masters’ at Delta State University for any Teach For America corps member or alumni Institute In Region Support staff to corps members Regional program directors work on average with Delta corps members
11 ALUMNI NETWORK ONGOING SUPPORT TRAINING PROGRAMMATIC APPROACH PLACEMENTSELECTIONRECRUITMENT Provide opportunities for alumni to assume leadership roles Office of Career and Civic Opportunities works with organizations, government entities, corporations and graduate schools to provide opportunities to alumni Connect alumni with each other for continued inspiration and to provide opportunities for collaboration Summits/Local networks Monthly online newsletter and bi-annual journal Interest group news-blasts Internal website with robust alumni resource center
One day, all children in this nation will have the opportunity to attain an excellent education.