Rituals of Communicative Interaction The enactment and performance of culture
Carey’s Definition Communication is a symbolic process whereby reality is produced, maintained, repaired, and transformed. (Carey, p. 8)
Your goal
To examine and report on the symbolic processes whereby reality is produced, maintained, repaired, and transformed in some specific case you care about.
Think of some examples!
Two models/metaphors
Communication as transmission Communication as ritual
Two models/metaphors Communication as transmission: under this model, we see communication as exclusively concerned with sending and receiving messages across space. Communication as ritual
Two models/metaphors Communication as transmission: under this model, we see communication as exclusively concerned with sending and receiving messages across space. – The basic motive is to control meaning (and people). – The basic problem is ambiguity and broken connections Communication as ritual
Two models/metaphors Communication as transmission: Communication as ritual: under this model, communication is directed not toward the extension of messages in space but toward the maintenance of society in time; not the act of imparting information but the representation of shared belief.
Two models/metaphors Communication as transmission: Communication as ritual: under this model, communication is directed not toward the extension of messages in space but toward the maintenance of society in time; not the act of imparting information but the representation of shared belief. – The basic motive is to draw people together into common relationship – The basic problem is alienation, homogeneity, and xenophobia.
Two models/metaphors Communication as transmission: Communication as ritual: under this model, communication is directed not toward the extension of messages in space but toward the maintenance of society in time; not the act of imparting information but the representation of shared belief. – The basic motive is to draw people together into common relationship – The basic problem is alienation, homogeneity, and xenophobia.
Rituals of culture
Note: See Carey pp for his explanation of how communication helps to make (and not just represent) the social world.
Rituals of culture We first produce the world by symbolic work and then take up residence in the world we have produced. Alas, there is magic in our self deceptions. We not only produce reality but we must likewise maintain what we have produced, for there are always new generations coming along for whom our productions are incipiently problematic and for whom reality must be regenerated and made authoritative. Reality must be repaired for it consistently breaks down: people get lost physically and spiritually, experiments fail, evidence counter to the representation is produced, mental derangement sets in—all threats to our models of and for reality that lead to intense repair work. Finally, we must, often with fear and regret, toss away our authoritative representations of reality and begin to build the world anew [i.e. transform reality] (Carey, p. 13).
Rituals of culture SO– ask, through what specific rituals do the people in your site or project enact and perform the identities, practices, and other meaningful elements that make up that unique culture?
Rituals of culture
How do you enact and perform your role as a student? How do you signal the end of the class? How do you demonstrate you are a “good” student? How do you signal that you need help or that you are uninterested?
Rituals of culture How do you signal romantic interest or unavailability?
Rituals of culture How do you signal romantic interest or unavailability? How do you enact your workplace identity? What conflicts at work seem to be driven by the cultural rituals themselves?
Rituals of culture How do you maintain cultural rituals in your group? How do you welcome newcomers and how do they learn the culture?
Rituals of culture How do you maintain cultural rituals in your group? How do you welcome newcomers and how do they learn the culture? How do you repair the culture when there are violations (of rules, of trust, of effectiveness)?
Rituals of culture How do you maintain cultural rituals in your group? How do you welcome newcomers and how do they learn the culture? How do you repair the culture when there are violations (of rules, of trust, of effectiveness)? How do you transform the cultural scripts when they no longer work or fit?
Rituals of culture How do you signal romantic interest or unavailability? How do you enact your workplace identity? What conflicts at work seem to be driven by the cultural rituals themselves?