Career Plans for the Future Makayla Stacy
I am pursing a career in athletic training.
Education while at Buford High School Language Arts HistoryScienceMath Honors- LitHonors- GeographyHonors- BiologyMath I Honors- World LitHonors- World history Chemistry and Healthcare Science I Math II Honors- American Lit Honors- US history and AP psychology PhysicsMath III Honors- Advanced Composition Econ/GovHonors- Forensics and Healthcare Science II Pre-Cal
The Next Step in Life I plan on attending UGA to pursue a degree in kinesiology as an AT/pre-PT. Bachelor’s Degree Master’s Degree Tuition for a yr.- $21,250 Yrs attending- 4 yrs. Tuition for a yr.- $10,690 Yrs. Attending- 2 yrs.
Education requirements for becoming an AT Accredited AT program Clinical Hours Pass the BOC certification
Requirements TrainingCareer SkillsSalaryEmployment options Physically fit Clinical hours Communication skills Outgoing Judgment and decision making Active listening $40,720- $60,000 High Schools Colleges Pro level sports Physical therapy building Business Military
What I plan to do is… After finishing my bachelor’s degree I want to go to work as a high school athletic trainer.