Harris County Community Services Department PY 2012 Community Development Block Grant(CDBG) Subrecipient Orientation 1 To insert your company logo on this slide From the Insert Menu Select “Picture” Locate your logo file Click OK To resize the logo Click anywhere inside the logo. The boxes that appear outside the logo are known as “resize handles.” Use these to resize the object. If you hold down the shift key before using the resize handles, you will maintain the proportions of the object you wish to resize.
PUBLIC SERVICES STAFF Steven Dimayuga, Manager Natalie Garcia, Senior Project Monitor Michelle Leija, Project Monitor Shalla Bass, Project Assistant
CONTENTS OF FOLDER Welcome letter Subrecipient Orientation Acknowledgment Copy of presentation CD containing: Programmatic reporting templates and guidance material Financial reporting templates and guidance material 3
CDBG Overview National Objective Benefit Low/Moderate Income Persons Eligible Public Service Activities Provision of public services including but not limited to general welfare services such as the provision of food and clothing, health services, educational services, youth enrichment and juvenile delinquency prevention programs and employment and job development services. 4
Harris County Service Area Restriction on location of activities (24 CFR ): Subrecipients funded by CSD will provide activities to persons who reside in the Harris County service area. Prior to providing assistance, service area eligibility must be determined by conducting an address search utilizing the HarrisCounty Appraisal District (HCAD) web page. ww.hcad.org ww.hcad.org The CSD service area includes the unincorporated areas of Harris County outside of the cities of Houston, Baytown and Pasadena. Included in this service area are the 15 cooperative cities of Bellaire, Deer Park, Galena Park, Humble, Jacinto City, Katy, La Porte, Morgan’s Point, Seabrook, Shoreacres, South Houston, Tomball, Waller, Webster, and West University Place. 5
51% of persons served must be very low/low/mod income Annual Income Does Not Have to be reported for persons that are Presumed Benefit 51% of persons served must be very low/low/mod income Annual Income Does Not Have to be reported for persons that are Presumed Benefit INCOME LEVELS HOUSEHOLD SIZE Very Low Income (Limits based on 0-30% of area median income) 14,05016,05018,05020,05021,70023,30024,90026,500 Low Income (Limits based on 31-50% of area median income) 23,45026,80030,15033,45036,15038,85041,50044,200 Moderate Income (Limits based on 51-80% of area median income) 37,45042,80048,15053,50057,80062,10066,35070,650 6 INCOME LEVELS & HOUSEHOLD SIZE Source: U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Effective December 8, 2011
Notes on Household Income Include the income of all household members. Use the gross amount, before any payroll deductions, when calculating income. Income source documentation must be current. Annual Income includes: Wages, salaries, overtime pay, commissions, fees, tips and bonuses Unemployment payments Disability compensation Worker’s compensation Severance pay Alimony and child support payments Regular contributions or gifts from persons not residing in the household Net income from the operation of a business or profession Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) Social Security and Social Security Income 7
Notes on Household Income Annual Income does not include: Income from employment of children, including foster children, under the age of 18 years Payments received for the care of foster children or foster adults Lump-sum additions to family assets Income of a live-in aide Temporary, non-recurring or sporadic income (including gifts) Food Stamps or Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) benefits 8
PRESUMED BENEFIT Activities that exclusively serve a group of persons in any one of the following categories is presumed to benefit persons, 51% of whom are low and moderate income: abused children battered spouses elderly personsseverely disabled adults homeless persons illiterate adults persons living with AIDS migrant farm workers 9
AGREEMENTS Agreements were drafted based on applicants’ Request for Proposals (RFP’s) submitted to CSD for PY2011 funding (Subrecipients agreed to accept a renewal option for PY2012, with the same terms and conditions) PY2012 Time of Performance: March 1, 2012 to February 28, 2013 At the discretion of HCCSD management, no more than two (2) budget revisions are allowed per year, no later than 90 days prior to the end of the program year (cut-off to receive your budget revision request: November 30, 2012) 10
Agreements Refer to Exhibit A: Scope of Services and Exhibit B: BudgetExhibit A: Scope of Services Exhibit B: Budget Activity Unit Definition Cost per Unit of Service Total No. of Units Per Activity Maximum Total Cost Per Year PY2012 Number Served 11
PY2012 Programmatic Reports 1.Coversheet / ChecklistCoversheet / Checklist 2.Project Status ReportProject Status Report 3.Client Data ReportClient Data Report 4.Tally SheetTally Sheet 5.Individual Eligibility FormsIndividual Eligibility Forms 6.Employee Data ReportEmployee Data Report 7.HMIS Print Outs ( if applicable )HMIS Print Outs ( if applicable ) 8.Mid-Year Report or Annual Performance ReportMid-Year Report or Annual Performance Report 12
Important notes on monthly reports Monthly reports are due within 10 working days of the end of the monthly reporting periods. For projects that expend funds early, submission of monthly reports with no new persons/services is not required. Ensure corrections are carried forward to the next monthly reports to avoid resubmitting reports. 13
Reporting Tips… Your project status report for the period ending March 31, 2012 indicates that your agency has served 20 new eligible persons, what form needs to be submitted for each new person assisted for this reporting month? 14
Answer: Your agency must submit a PY2012 Individual Eligibility form for all 20 new persons that is completely and correctly filled out. 15
Reporting Tips… Your agency must submit the Programmatic Reports for the period ending March 2012 by what date? 16
Answer: Your Programmatic Reports for the period ending March 2012 is due to our office by April 16, 2012, which is 10 working days of the end of the monthly reporting period. Should your agency consistently fail to comply with the requirement of timely submitting the Programmatic Reports then your agency can expect a desk finding letter. 17
Reporting Tips… Your agency is at 15% of your contract goal for the reporting month of May 2012; however, your agency should be at 25% of you contract goal through May 2012, what must your agency make sure to do on your Project Status Report? 18
Answer: Your agency must provide an explanation on your Project Status Report to explain why your project is not on target for the reporting month of May
Reporting Tips… For the period ending May 31, 2012 your agency reported 20 new clients; however, 3 were disallowed. Which monthly reports need to be corrected for this reporting period? 20
Answer: The following reports need to be corrected: 1.Project Status Report 2.Client Data Report 3.Tally Sheet 21
HMIS CSD requires Subrecipients that provide services to homeless persons with County funds to participate in the Homeless Management Information System (HMIS) administered by the Coalition for the Homeless of Houston/Harris County (CFTH). To participate in HMIS: Inform the CFTH of your grant name, type of funding, the operating year, and list of services funded through the grant Sign up and receive training Input information on clients and services provided into ClientTrack The following HMIS reports must be submitted monthly: Clients Served with Details Client Demographics Totals Please contact CFTH staff at or click on their website at for further assistance.at 22
Subrecipient Monitoring CSD staff conduct monthly desk reviews of Subrecipient program reports and reimbursement requests submitted. Projects are monitored on-site at least annually to ensure compliance with Federal regulations and CSD requirements. 23
Subrecipient Monitoring CSD sends a notice of the monitoring visit days prior to the visit. Participant eligibility, activities provided, and consistency with terms of the Agreement are reviewed as detailed in the monitoring checklist attached to the notice. Programmatic policies and procedures will be reviewed and will be collected. CSD sends a monitoring results letter within 30 days after the monitoring visit, citing findings and/or concerns (if any). Subrecipient response letter is due no later than 30 days after the date of the results letter if responding to findings and/or concerns. 24
Important Points Section 504 survey will be reviewed for applicable updates Grantor Recognition Spell out “Harris County Community Services Department” Keep all items that document grantor recognition in a Grant File for review during the monitoring visit (press releases, media announcements, fundraising brochures, newsletters, pamphlets, print-out from agency website) Units of Service in the client files should match the amounts reported under Units of Service in the Client Data and Project Status Reports 25
Reporting Tips… To ensure the success of each project, Subrecipients are requested to review their approved agreements, especially VIII. ADMINISTRATIVE REQUIREMENTS, Exhibit A, Scope of Services, and Exhibit B, Budget. Check for new guidelines. Reviewing helps reduce the risk of non- compliance. 26
Out with the old for 2012 Concerns and Findings to avoid for PY2012. ◦ Section 504 Self Evaluation and Transition Plan - what is that? ◦ Program Policies and Procedures Manual that includes instructions on the completion of CSD’s programmatic Reports. ◦ Current PY2012 Grantee Recognition - what is it? ◦ Eligibility source documentation, such as homelessness, participant income, senior citizen status, service area… what are those? ◦ Source documentation for eligible units of service provided. 27
Questions & Answers: Programmatic Forms 28 When are the programmatic forms due? Can I report duplicate clients on the Tally Sheet? If my project is not on target for reporting month what must I do?
Reference Tools CDBG Playing by the Rules Forms are located on the CD provided and at our Grants Management webpage, which will be: Please visit the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) website for references and links to all applicable rules, laws, and regulations
For Your Information Harris County Community Services Department Office of Housing and Community Development 8410 Lantern Point Houston, Texas Main number: Fax number: CSD staff address: 30
Next: Finance Staff Presentation 31