Ann Hardin SPE 550 Wilmington College April 12, 2010
Observations From My Practice North Adams Elementary Seaman, Ohio – Adams County 614 students – 64.7% free or reduced lunch EXCELLENT RATING – st new elementary building-Jan “Stay on Green” school wide behavior
Observations con’t. Cross-Categorical Classroom- “Emotionally Disturbed” Unit Seven Students Grades 2-6 All students are serviced by an IEP Poor socio-economic environment
Student Background 5 th grade male student 2 nd year in ED classroom ○ Spends time in regular education classroom ○ IEP includes a behavior plan ○ Raised by his grandmother Allows IEP team to make decisions regarding placement/education goals
Student Behavior K-3 rd grade Minimal problems Identified as a student with a learning disability during this time 4 th grade Problems surfaced ○ Individualized setting-led to negative behavior ○ Primary behavioral meeting-behavior plan put into place
Behavior con’t After plan was established behavior escalated (negatively) Physical contact now an issue Negative comments to peers Academic skills suffering Secondary meeting Change of placement ○ Least restrictive environment
Student’s Current Plan Partial Inclusion Science/Language Arts Required to take grade level OAA with accommodations Goal is to be in regular classroom setting at all times.
Conclusion Special Education Laws have made education better for all Goals need to be reasonable yet challenging Leaders need to be aware of differences in abilities Problems still need to be addressed
Citations McDermott, P.A., Goldberg,M.M., Stanley, J.L., & Gutting, J.J. (2006). A Nationwide Epidemiologic Modeling study of LD: Risk, Protection and Unintended Impact. Journal of Learning Disabilities, 39 (3), Mostert, M.P. & Crockett, J.B. (2000). Reclaiming the History of Special Education for More Effective Practice. Exceptionality, 8 (2), pp Siegel, L.S. (1999). Issues in the Definition and Diagnosis of Learning Disabilities: A Perspective on Guckenberger v. Boston University. Journal of Learning Disabilities, 32, Spafford, C.D. & Grosser, G.S. (1993). The Social Misperception Syndrome in Children with Learning Disabilities: Social Cause versus Neurological Variables. Journal of Learning Disabilities, 26(3), Ysseldyke, J. (2005). Reflections on a Research Career: Generalizations from 25 Years of Research on Assessment and Instructional Decision Making. Exceptional Children, 67(3),