Haiku Japanese Poetry
What is Haiku? an ancient form of Japanese poetry has 17 “moras” which are similar to syllables usually has a “kigo” which is a reference to one of the seasons are written in one vertical line of characters called “kanji” (Japanese words in calligraphy) usually focus on the natural world
Haiku used to be written by guys like these.
It would often look like this. The haiku is in the corner.
The haiku would often be illustrated.
Famous Examples
An old silent pond... A frog jumps into the pond, splash! Silence again. -Basho -Basho
This is the same poem written in kanji.
Over the wintry forest, winds howl in rage with no leaves to blow. -Soseki
Modern Haiku Nowadays, haikus can be written by anyone, about anything, though they still are often about nature. Usually haikus follow the rule of three lines, with the first line having 5 syllables, the second line 7, and the third line 5 again.
I am nobody: A red sinking autumn sun Took my name away. -Richard Wright
A few “Kid Haikus”
Notice how Ryan did his haiku to go along with his illustration?
I really like Mariel’s word choice in this poem! It goes so well with her drawing.
This is a Japanese example. Notice the syllables don’t match up, as they use moras.
Now it’s YOUR turn! We’re going to do what’s called “Who Am I?” haikus. Rules: Have to be three lines, with 5/7/5 syllables. Can’t tell in the poem what it is, just hints Have to be about something everyone would recognize or easily know.
Examples Here is an example...can you guess? Green and speckled legs, Hop on logs and lily pads Splash in cool water.
In a pouch I grow, On a southern continent -- Strange creatures I know.