Welcome Mrs. Jaime Sheplor’s Class Room 224
Name Card (Front Side) First Name Last Name
Favorite teacher and why. Favorite Fast Food Restaurant Something unique or special about yourself. Favorite Candy Name Card (Back Side)
Pair-Share Take a few minutes to share the information you wrote down on your card with your elbow partner. Keep this card with your name face up until the end of the period. Store it in your binder and BRING BACK TOMORROW! This is very important so I can get to know you sooner! These will be collected.
“Where I am From” Poem Please take out a piece of paper. On the BACK of the paper, draw a Circle Map. Write “Where I am From” in the center. Start brainstorming things about yourself. Where I am From
“Where I am From” Poem Below your circle map, jot down these instructions: Using the stuff you jotted down in your Circle Map, you will be writing a poem about yourself. The poem should have at least 20 lines and describe some details about yourself. The poem must use at least three examples of figurative language (any combination). Label the figurative language you used in the margins of your poem. Metaphor: A comparison between two unlike things without using “like” or “as.” Ex: The city is a sleeping woman. Simile: A comparison between two unlike things with “like” or “as.” Ex: The moon shines like a fifty cent piece. Personification: Giving human qualities to an object or animal. Ex: The sun is smiling.
Grading Rubric ComponentIdeal Score Poem has at least 20 lines.10 3 examples of figurative language are labeled and identified 10 Mechanics-poem is written neatly and spelled correctly 10 Total30