1 Social identity approach in understanding of organization and leadership Prof. Natalia Ivanova, Theory of organization PAD HSE Moscow
Civil service: needs and problems Needs in professionals but strong fluctuation people Needs in personnel which is involved to organizational functioning but problems with receiving of professional values, statuses and roles Needs in optimal interaction but distrust of people Needs in good image but problems with communication, PR, information exchange process etc.
Needs and problems Needs in good quality of civil service but problems with leaders and personnel which is able to keep important values of professional community and organization, attract people, build efficient relationships etc. 3
How psychology can help? + Professional features: efficiency Interactions: communication Personality: stimulation, development Potential space: creativity
Social identity studies – important recourse for development of professional activity in organization 1 psychological understanding of organization 2 realizing the management paradigms in organization 3 realizing models of leadership etc. 4
Social Identity Approach (SIA) The self is context-dependent and can be defined at different levels of abstraction: personal, social, organisational, professional, civil, national, human Each person determines his place in the social environment by means of comparing himself to the others and by determining who he is and who belongs to his community and who does not
Social Identity Approach (SIA) Social Identity is considered to be a part of individual self-concept, which arises from the knowledge of an individual about his own belonging to social group or groups and axiological and emotional demonstration of this belonging (H. Tajfel) Main motivations of identification: self-esteem (Hogg M., Abrams) Others motives: self-actualization, self-defense (N. Lebedeva, N. Ivanova) SI is a basis for personal adopting of the group values and roles
Social Identity Approach (SIA) Explores: The consequences of different forms of identity for personal motivation, behaviour and interaction Explores: The consequence of identity for organizations functioning and leadership
Shared social identity is salient: we see ourselves as categorically interchangeable with other ingroup members (as defined by context) we influence, and are influenced by, ingroup members (to the extent that we or they are representative of that group) we enhance self-esteem (collectively self-actualize) by working collaboratively towards shared ingroup goals
Implications for organisational functioning (A. Haslam, etc.) Situations/ structures that emphasise shared identity will facilitate organisational functioning Situations/ structures that highlight non- shared identities will impair organisational functioning
Implications for leadership (A. Haslam, etc.) Leadership is not an individual quality but the outcome of a group process Leaders are more effective the more they are perceived to represent a social identity that we share. Things that set (or are perceived to set) leaders apart from the group can undermine the effectiveness of their leadership. With regard to management problems it may be said that too big differences in identity of leaders and subordinates in some parameters may undermine leadership and influence peculiarities of functioning of an organization.
Social identity structure analysis (SISA) cognitive (self-definitions) + motivations + values personal, global, family identity + needs of communications, self-esteem + values of friendship, communication, culture identity with family, local community, group of friends + needs of self-defense+ values of well- being, comfort professional identity, activity, statuses and roles + need of self- actualization + values of autonomy, professional and personal development Basic (B) Individual- personal (IP) Professional & affairs (PA) (Ivanova, 2003, Povarenkov, 2004)
Implications SISA for professional activity and organizational functioning Phenomena of social and professional identity Professional development and deformation Decision making process Adaptation and communication in organization Leadership etc
Implications for professional activity and organizational functioning Professionals Professional identity Professional development Self-realization Goals achievement Values of professional society Becoming a professionals Marginals Basic, personal identity Worrying about self-defence Self-interest Conformism, careerism Values of close group (Ivanova, 2003, Povarenkov, 2004, Mishenko,2005)
Professional and social development of female managers (Kulaeva, 2009) Social identity is a factor of sharing leaders identity and communication in organization Sharing of identity with people in organization Identity type StaffLeaders Basic +? Professional & Affairs + -?+ Sharing of leaders identity Female managers with PA identity more often shared leaders identity (even in hair-do, style etc.) Female managers with B identity have problems in identification with leaders; they more often shared identity with small group of personal
Professional and social development of female managers (Kulaeva, 2009) Social identity is a factor of sharing leaders identity and communication in organization Identity type TypePosition Basic PersonalClose Professional & Affairs ProfInfluence Communication in organization Female managers with PA identity aspire to professional communication, self- realization, position of influence for professional goals achievement Female managers with B identity aspire to personal and warm communication with close personal, self-defense
Transformation identity in organizational, social changes (Rumyantseva, 2005) Construct of social identity and personal features (Cattell test, 16PF ) as a factor of adaptation to the new conditions in organization Professional Me significantly correlate with: confidence L (r= 0,12), frankness N (r=0,12), low self-control Q3 (r=0,15), expressiveness F (r=-0,14), submission Е (r=-0,15), strain Q4 (r=-0,21). Adaptation: Professional people close to hearts the problems in organization. Add Your Text
Adaptation in the multicultural organization (Mnatsakanyan, 2004) Tendencies: PA Good adaptation and communication with different people in organization. I and We in the new context. IP and B (similar) Problems of adaptation; communications with small group, fairs of cultural community. I and We in the past context.
19 Conclusions Organizations and leadership are more successful when individuals cooperate to a greater degree taking into account shared identity, and not interpersonal or intergroup controversies. Success of the common cause depends on to what extent the personnel have formed the common SI SIA lets us to have a look at the factors of improvement of effectiveness of services of civil service from a new angle, in the context of development of urgent projects and for formation of necessary confidence of the population to representatives of public authorities.
Chair of Theory organization Research “Organizational development mechanisms”, chapter: “SI of personnel as a factor of organizational development” Teaching Specialization “Consulting in HR services” Publications Books and articles in Russian publicity and journals
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