World History Egypt Brochure Poem Examples
Acrostic Poem on Your Topic Ziggurat Example Ziggurats are temples. Inspiring priests to pray to the gods. Grandly built upward towards to sky. Graciously decorated to show appreciation to the gods. Up the stairs, priests would climb. Rewards from the gods when they did what they wanted. Always at the center of the Sumerian cities. Tall and Dominating the skyline. Sumerians depended on the happiness of the gods for their own. Your poem should help give information about your topic so you reader has a better understanding of your topic.
Haiku Example http://www. creative-writing-now What is haiku? Haiku is a Japanese poetry form. A haiku uses just a few words to capture a moment and create a picture in the reader's mind. It is like a tiny window into a scene much larger than itself. Traditionally, haiku is written in three lines: 1. with five syllables in the first line 2. seven syllables in the second line 3. five syllables in the third line. Haiku example The last winter leaves Clinging to the black branches Explode into birds.