Spoken Word Video of the Day
Brainstorm Time! Take out a piece of paper. I want you to choose one of the four seasons. I want you to write down everything that comes to mind about this season in the next 5 minutes. (i.e. Sound, sight, smell, taste, touch)
Brainstorm Time 2 Now that you have brainstormed about your season I want you to brainstorm again. This time I want you to brainstorm words, phrases, colours, and any type of language associated with your season. You will have five minutes Example: Spring = pastel colours
Haiku Poetry Haiku poetry is poetry consisting of 17 syllables. In Iine phrases of 5,7, and 5 syllables. In does not have to rhyme, but because of its shortness it must be as descriptive as possible.
Haiku Poetry Haiku Poetry is an opportunity to expand on your senses and play with language in a descriptive way. How can you paint a picture in only 17 syllables?
Your turn Using your brainstorming from earlier create a Haiku about the season you chose.
My Haiku The morning is crisp With dew kissing the green grass My soul feels reborn
Activity Time I am going to circulate around the classroom with a “Mystery Bag”. In the “Mystery Bag” are 27 random objects. You are to pull one object out of the “Mystery Bag” and write a Haiku about your object. We will be reading all of the haikus in class.