Indiana Chamber of Commerce Policy Committee June 14, 2011 Thomas W. Easterly, P.E., BCEE, QEP, Commissioner IN Department of Environmental Management 1
Comparison of Region 5 States Permitting Program Status compiled by U.S. EPA Region 5 for March 10, 2011 State Environmental Directors Meeting 3
4 (573)(650)(385) (295)(597)(467) (Total Number of Title V Permits)
2011 IDEM Major Goals Complete Antidegradation Rulemaking Process. Draft rule is available for public review. WPCB Preliminary Adoption Meeting July 27, Obtain U.S. EPA approval of attainment designations for PM 2.5 for all of Indiana. Evansville proposed May 23, Complete CAFO/CFO Rulemaking Process. Preliminary Adoption May 11, Adopt RISC Closure Guidance as an NPD. Released for public comment May 6,
2011 IDEM Challenges Reissue NPDES General Permits Administratively and address antidegradation requirements. Provide Information to EQSC on: IDEM program funding and costs. Mint farm air emissions. Possible responsibilities and funding sources for Solid Waste Management Districts. Attainment designations for new SO 2 Standard. 7
Indiana Preliminary Designation Recommendations SO2 1-Hour Standard 8 June 6, 2010: U.S. EPA Announced A New SO2 1-Hour Standard Set At 75 ppb
2011 IDEM Challenges Respond to U.S. EPA’s reconsideration of the ppm ozone standard. Other possible U.S. EPA decisions such as 316(b) cooling water intakes, no CCW decision. Develop plan for seamless implementation of water program responsibilities currently assigned to: IDEM, ISDH, IDNR, OISC, ISDA, and possibly U.S. EPA (UIC) and U.S. ACE (404). 9
Indiana’s Civil Service System Effective July 1, 2011, the current state Merit system established in 1941 under the State Personnel Act will be replaced by the State Civil Service system. Highlights under the new Civil Service system include: 10
Indiana’s Civil Service System Establishment of classified and unclassified service. A classified service employee is one who works in specific federally funded programs that include specific terms of employment. There are eleven such programs identified in the law. All other employees are unclassified service employees. All IDEM positions appear to be unclassified 11
Indiana’s Civil Service System Codifies current policy that every employee must receive a service rating (performance appraisal) at least annually. Employees will be accountable for quality performance. Protections put in place for highest performers – in the case of a lay off, highest performers will be laid off last and returned to work first during a recall. 12
Indiana’s Civil Service System The State Personnel Department will make available employee relations specialists to help employees resolve employment related problems and understand the procedures that are available for redress of grievances that the employee relations specialists do not resolve. Provides a quicker, more efficient complaint process, reducing steps from 5 to 3. 13
Questions? Tom Easterly Commissioner Indiana Department of Environmental Management