Spring Literacy Training Kindergarten Spring 2014
Part 1 Common Cueing System Why? Different cueing systems are leaving gaps – We need consistency across the county in Early Literacy as we have in other areas.
We have at least 3 systems in SCS: Time line for introducing the alphabet: Program A: 18 weeks Program B: 12 weeks Program C: 36 weeks We are working together as a team to create a literacy plan that will use our new materials during the Phonics portion of the lesson plan.
FUNdations video Your turn –find the cueing drill cards in your packet
Part 2 Reading 3D –Progress Monitoring – a tool not just a check off piece –It is a check on the teacher and the activities you are doing to build skills for each student
Progress Monitoring and Written Questions Level F and above Better alignment with benchmarks Replace questions 2 & 4 Questions 1 & 3 ask orally and score Score written questions and enter the score for numbers 2 & 4. Rubric for written questions = 1, 2, 3, 4…convert to score for oral questions: Written score Oral Score 0 convert to:
Great Resource Live Binder - Teacher Demonstration VideosLive Binder - Teacher Demonstration Videos Literacy Strategies and Resources Miscellaneous Resources: High Frequency Correlation, Reading 3D reminder cards, DIBELS Response Patterns
Hierarchy of Skills FSF, PSF, NWF, DORF Master each skill in order Don’t forget to do activities and PM on the skill of lowest score (even if it is no longer benchmarked within your grade level) TRC – ultimate goal … COMPREHENSION
What do I Progress Monitor? Reading instruction is a science. Teachers administer assessments to collect data about a student’s reading habits and behaviors. Just as with any science, the data must be analyzed. Some of the data that must be factored into determining the best instructional plan for a student is collected by teacher observation. The teacher must be tuned into noticing what the student is doing during the assessment process. This is documented through notes, the response pattern checklist, and the MSV analysis. Individual Student Page Locate lowest score
Look at your class What needs do you see in your class? –Do you have students who have not mastered FSF or PSF? – which skill is needed by different groups within your class? Make a list of students in need of activities per assessment (FSF, PSF, NWF, DORF)
iPad time Classroom summary MOY Rank students Click on any number (score) Now What tools Item Level Advisor
FCRR & Common Core Standards Educators Tab Student Activities Tab Link below the links to activities
Game Time 5 games per teacher May want to work within your grade level, and get a variety of games Divided by skills DIBELS: FSF, PSF, NWF, DORF TRC: Vocabulary, Comprehension Standards listed on each game
Our Goal as teachers The right kind and quality of instruction delivered with the right intensity and duration to the right children at the right time. -Joseph K. Torgesen Catch Them Before they Fall (1988)