Welcome to Fifth Grade Mrs. DeMaso Mrs. Walsh
Agenda Math Curriculum Math in Focus and IXL resources ELA Curriculum Think Central and AR resources Science Curriculum Next Generation Science Standards Social Studies Curriculum Technology Curriculum Common Core Standards 6 Assistance in the classroom
Common Core: Operations & Algebraic Thinking Write and interpret numerical expressions Analyze patterns and relationships Number & Operations in Base Ten Understand the place value system Perform operations with multi-digit whole numbers and with decimals to hundredths Number & Operations—Fractions Use equivalent fractions as a strategy to add subtract fractions Apply and extend previous understandings of multiplication and division Measurement & Data Convert like measurements units within a given measurement system Represent and interpret data Geometric measurement: understand concepts of volume Geometry Graph points on the coordinate plane to solve real-world and mathematical problems. Classify two-dimensional figures into categories based on their properties. Math Curriculum
Resources Math in Focus website (login usernames and passwords will be distributed at a later date) IXL Math Instructional Coach 3 days a week within classrooms to provide additional support interventions similar to WIN Small group, flexible grouping within class ability groups learning centers math journals independent work time Math Curriculum
Reading Informational Text and Literature Quote accurately from a text, explaining both literal and inferential meaning Determine theme of a story, drama, or poem, using details from the text Explain how sections of text work together to create overall text structure Explain and identify different reasons/evidence to support particular points in a text Writing Write informative/explanatory texts to examine and share information clearly Write narrative pieces effectively, with descriptive details and clear event sequences Produce clear and coherent writing appropriate to task, audience, and purpose. Utilize the writing process (plan, revise, edit, etc.) collaboratively to strengthen and develop writing Use technology to produce and publish writing as well as collaborating with others ELA Curriculum
ELA (Continued) Speaking and Listening Engage in a variety of classroom discussions to build on others’ ideas and share their own clearly Report on a topic with appropriate support by speaking clearly at an understandable pace Include multimedia components to enhance presentations Language Demonstrate standard grammar when writing or speaking Demonstrate standard conventions when writing (capitalization, punctuation, and spelling) Use knowledge of language and conventions when writing, speaking, reading, or listening
ELA Curriculum Literacy encompasses : Whole Group Reading Instruction Guided Reading Writing Vocabulary Spelling Language Language is integrated within reading and writing WIN (30 minutes daily) Resources available: Think Central (login usernames and passwords will be distributed at a later date) Accelerated Reader (students will receive passwords)
Common Core infuses technology into reading, writing, speaking/listening, and language Analyze multimedia elements Draw on information from digital sources Format multimedia presentations Use technology to produce and publish Conduct research projects Gather information from digital sources Include multimedia and visual displays in presentations Use digital sources to find pronunciation and meanings To meet goals, technology will be integrated into all core subjects Mrs. Forsythe will work closely with each grade level’s curriculum and with the homeroom teachers Technology Curriculum
Where’s the textbook? Next Generation Science Standards Structure and Properties of Matter Matter and Energy in Organisms and Ecosystems Space Systems: Stars and the Solar System Earth’s Systems Engineering Design Scientific method Literacy program incorporates Science themes Technology will be incorporated where possible Science Curriculum
Common Core goals for Social Studies have not been released yet Literacy program incorporates Social Studies themes Technology will be integrated where possible Possible topics to be discussed Women in History Native American Contributions Exploration Colonization American Revolution Independent research project on American History Social Studies Curriculum
Assistance in the classroom Mrs. Walsh -co-teaching (Literacy, Social Studies, Science, and Math) Ms. Tibble-aide Mrs. Hugunin-math coach (three days a week) Mrs. Dooley-Title 1 Reading Mrs. Kalisik-aide (WIN) Mrs. Huminsky-aide (WIN) Mrs. Hall-aide (WIN) Assistance in the classroom
Contact Information Mrs. DeMaso Mrs. Walsh School phone number