Right Click to get the 3 options for Graphical Access
You will be prompted to find the database you wish to diagram
The contents and data flow of your database are then available in Visio for viewing And editing
Right Click, and select your chosen Access View
Graphically Diagram, Edit, and Design your Microsoft Access Applications 1 Click Diagram2 Clicks to Edit or View directly in Access
Purchasing the Licensed Version of GraphicalAccess, and Entering the License Key Your Support is greatly appreciated, to offset the expense incurred in developing this product. I am not a programmer or developer, just an Access user, who thought someone could develop a refined interface & documentation tool, and felt like putting my money where my mouth was! Chris Schmidt 10/10/2005 Visit the blog page and there are links to paypal to support the effort. ( paypal account not required )
Adding New Objects to your database, directly in Visio