Summary talk of Session 6 - Electronics and Interfacing to AD DAQ - Mechanics for the Demonstrator for the AD ancillary detector integration team: for the AD ancillary detector integration team : Piotr Bednarczyk IFJ-PAN, Kraków
Principle of merging ancillaries to AGATA DAQ DATA Clock counter Event Number Ancillary Analogue FEE AGAVA GTS supervisor Event Builder PSA Ancillary Merge Pre-processing prompt trigger Ancillary VME Digitizer Tracking Data analysis Ancillary readout GTS tr. GTS tr. Req. Trig- Val/Rej Req. Pre-processing AGA TA V ME A DAPTER A.Czermak (IFJ-PAN,Kraków)- Status of the Design & Development of the AGAVA interface module B.Dulny (IFJ-PAN,Kraków)- AGAVA INTERFACE S.Brambilla (INFN Milano)- Recent DAQ integration test at LNL May 2008 E.Calore (INFN LNL)- Implementation on-line analysis library in NARVAL: the PRISMA case J.J. Valiente-Dobon (INFN LNL)- Mechanical Integration for the AD at LNL
AGAVA – main features, status & plans (A.Czermak) Standard VME module compatible with VXI A carrier for the GTS mezzanine card –Deliver path for signals from/to the GTS mezzanine and the VME P1, P2 connectors –AGAVA Front Panel – I/O connectors & LEDs –Deliver 10W 3.3 V to the GTS module –Deliver the Ethernet link to the GTS module –Interface to the Metronome unit and the Shark-Link module (TDR JYFL) 2 post-prototype AGAVA modules have been produced ( May 2008) and have been tested in-house –Final tests at GANIL and LNL shall be completed by the end of September By the end of the year 6-8 final AGAVA modules shall be produced
AGAVA tests in the AD host labs (B.Dulny) Tests of AGAVA in the VXI environment at GANIL –a problem related to a data readout is solved –an excessive power consumption when converting TTL-NIM I/O signals the circuit was redesigned in the new card release Tests of the CBLT and the standard VME access modes at Legnaro, May 2008 –Compatibility of the new release of AGAVA with the GTS 2 (Virtex 4, 200MHz) mezzanine card –Proper behavior at high external trigger rate –The Ethernet connection should still be tested The both tests will be repeated before the final production.
Recent DAQ integration test at LNL (S. Brambilla) VME test bench from INFN Milano has been used STRUCK SIS1100/SIS3100 PCI/cPCI to VME interface (DSP - SHARC ADSP-21062L) AGAVA board release 1 and 2, GTS release 1 and 2 CAEN V channel TDC CAEN V channel ADC CAEN V538A 8 channel NIM-ECL/ECL-NIM Translator CBLT sequence: Agava, TDC, ADC External trigger : NIM Repetitive pulser at 20KHz Kmax dedicated application was used to control the VME modules, buffers readout and online sorting
Recent DAQ integration test at LNL (S. Brambilla) DSP Acquisition logic: – wait local trigger (pulser: Struck Lemo1 input) – wait validation (GTS-AGAVA: Struck Lemo2 input) – wait AGAVA, TDC and ADC data ready – CBLT or standard readout of AGAVA, TDC and ADC modules – Integrity check of the event (header, data and trailers) – Check event counter alignment for TDC and ADC
Recent DAQ integration test at LNL (S. Brambilla) Test summary: Acquisition rate ≈ 10KHz both in single and in CBLT accessAcquisition rate ≈ 10KHz both in single and in CBLT access System stability: 8 hours test without any problem (repetitive) All of ~300 Mevents were good and well formatted -Local Trigger Tag / Validation Tag always consistent Next tests: CAEN V2718 PCI to VME controller, and the PRISMA FEE VME electronics
GTS PRISMA with AGATA DAQ scheme VME crate ADCADC CPUCPU AGAVAAGAVA SETUP + CONTROL Pre-preccessing & Narval Producer Narval... PRISMA Event rate: ~20kHz (5Mb/sek)
Working prototype of a NARVAL system Working prototype of a NARVAL system (E. Calore) TCP/IP disk disk Tested at 100MB/sek
Future integration with the AGATA DAQ Future integration with the AGATA DAQ (E. Calore)
Design and construction of a new reaction chamber for the demostrator –2 mm thickness of aluminium (no shadows for γ) –Radius 110 mm Telescopic Beam Line to allow rotation of AD External Beam Dump large angular coverage. It can host detectors inside away from target position. All tested mechanically and for vacuum Mechanics for AD at PRISMA ( Mechanics for AD at PRISMA (J.J. Valiente-Dobon)
New chamber for AD at PRISMA ( New chamber for AD at PRISMA (J.J. Valiente-Dobon) Reaction chamber Externall beam dump Angular range:40º-80º PRISMA Design and production, INFN-Milano and INFN-LNL
Conclusion The integration work progresses well: –The AGAVA interface is almost complete (in a production phase). –PRISMA like VME readout is currently being tested –A NARVAL actor for PRISMA online analysis is implemented –Mechanics for PRISMA: chamber, beam-line are ready