The Internet Educational Equal Access Foundation The Internet Educational Equal Access Foundation IEEAF Global Quilt Update June 1, 2005 Dr. Donald R. Riley Chair, IEEAF ( SURA IT Fellow Professor, Decision Information Technologies Robert H. Smith School of Business University of Maryland, College Park Tel ; Fax Home Office/Mobile: Copyright IEEAF, This work is the intellectual property of the author. Permission is granted for this material to be shared for non- commercial, educational purposes, provided that this copyright statement appears on the reproduced materials and notice is given that the copying is by permission of the author. To disseminate otherwise or to republish requires written permission from the author.
2 1 June 2005 New Public-Private Partnership: IEEAF The Internet Educational Equal Access Foundation (IEEAF) is a partnership between the Research and Education Community and the Private Sector whose goal is to obtain donations of international bandwidth to enable a global collaboration in research and education.The Internet Educational Equal Access Foundation (IEEAF) is a partnership between the Research and Education Community and the Private Sector whose goal is to obtain donations of international bandwidth to enable a global collaboration in research and education. Current donations have already linked US and Europe, and US and Asia-Pacific.Current donations have already linked US and Europe, and US and Asia-Pacific. This bandwidth helps enable global collaborations in research and education, in the true spirit of the Global Quilt Initiative.This bandwidth helps enable global collaborations in research and education, in the true spirit of the Global Quilt Initiative.
3 1 June 2005 IEEAF Vision: The Global Quilt A Network of Networks, “stitched together” to create a common single fabric, and shared equally by all. This will be achieved through collaboration and community effort, until it covers the globe. The IEEAF has no boundaries of “home” territory….. "Non Nobis Solo" (Not by ourselves alone) (Not by ourselves alone)
4 1 June km 9300 km 17 Time Zones 10 Gbps Mbps 10 Gbps Mbps IEEAF Global Quilt Initiative
5 1 June 2005 IEEAF Donation Summary 10 Gbps (OC-192 wavelength) plus separate 622 Mbps STM-1. New York - London - Groningen (Netherlands) Seattle - Tokyo Fiber pair: from Tyco Cable Station Groningen to Amsterdam, and to Hamburg co-location facility Fiber pair: Hamburg facility to 379 Weinderstrasse carrier hotel, where “German rings” meet Fiber pair: UK 8,000 miles of trans-USA fiber donated by AT&T to the Southeastern Universities Research Association (SURA) as SURA-IEEAF partnership Submarine bandwidth in progress: To Lisbon UK-Bilbao-Madrid-Valencia-Barcelona-Marseilles To Copenhagen and St. Petersburg A new 10 gigabyte trans-Atlantic connectivity which GEO will use specifically for telemedicine and HEP initiatives.
6 1 June 2005 More Donations Pending The IEEAF is currently in negotiations for 40+ pending donations that may potentially double the size of the Global Quilt Initiative and span all time zones. Negotiations for donations are being supported by a global community of Research and Education Visionaries: to Southeast Asia in Eastern Europe to Scandinavian/Nordic countries to India and South Asia to Africa
7 1 June 2005 Recent Global Collaborations over IEEAF Links Presentation by Prof. Larry Smarr for JGN Symposium over uncompressed HD Video Conference, Seattle-Osaka International Collaboration results in successful transfer of Huygens space probe data from Australian telescopes to the Netherlands Supercomputing ’05, Pittsburgh. Internet2 Single and Double Stream TCP Land Speed Record.
8 1 June 2005 Partnerships Create Donations We’re here to help any community trying to establish educational networks We’re successful because of the partnerships with leaders who share our vision It’s the partnerships that make it happen. Joining hands completes the ring….. A network of networks.... Community to community and village to village... The Global Quilt
9 1 June 2005 IEEAF Partnership with WIDE Jun Murai, Keio University and WIDE Project: Asset Steward of IEEAF Trans-Pacific Link from Seattle to Tokyo Established open Tokyo Lambda Exchange (T-Lex) Extending beyond Tokyo KEIO SFC Univ. of Tokyo NTT/KDD To: Osaka To: JAIST JAIST Osaka Kyushu NAIST To Korea To IEEAF/US To IEEAF/Asia (in plan) Geographical Map of Dark Fiber for IEEAF in Japan (as of Oct. 2003) Connected site DF TITECH 10Gbps over SONET/SDH
10 1 June 2005 Thailand Regional Initiative: Next Generation Internet Announced by H.E.Dr. Surapong Suebwonglee, Minister of ICT, Thailand January 26, 2005
11 1 June 2005 AFRICAN GLOBAL QUILT INITIATIVE COLLABORATION STRATEGIC PLAN: Leverage NSF funding for link to Africa Step One Step Two Asset Steward Hub and Spoke to neighboring country design project Terrestrial Fiber plan solution from CHE to University Submarine Cable Plan from Amsterdam to Portugal to Senegal and Ghana Collaboration with defined African Research Initiatives