ACTION PLAN I ActivitiesDuration Target group OutputAssumptions Hold a seminar to share skills/experiences learnt ½ day All department members Gained information about SIAP techniques and material Projector/soft ware/ Organize a workshop on CSPro: train staff on data entry application/tabula tion 5 working days Data entry staff/enumer ators/data analysts Qualified staff/improv ed data capturing and analysis procedures Training facility/assist ance from supervisor Enhance my colleagues’ ICT and statistical capacity using skills gained from SIAP training course
Stage a workshop on Stata: Transfer skills on merging CSPro data files and converting them into CSV, SPSS, STATA, SAS files for analysis 1 day Data analysts/docu mentation resource members Trained staff/tabul ations available under different formats Availability of SAS and CSV software/Invol vement of head of department
Share skills on data mining to show how to analyze/identify relationships between indicators and to interpret the underlying relationships ½ day Data analysts/trai nees/resear chers Qualified staff/better formulation of policies/imp roved report outputs Availability of Stata version 9.2 and SPSS version 15
Organize a workshop on PowerPoint presentation 2 days Statisticians /computer scientists Trained staff/improved communication procedures Projector/c ooperation of staff and manageme nt Share my team working skills and personal experiences ½ day Department members Improved working environment; ability to work in a multicultural/m ultiracial team Colleagues’ interest
Project Description Indicators Means of Verification Assumption s Goal: To improve Senegal Statistical System’s ability in managing/ monitoring/disseminati ng MDGs indicators in line with international regulations Monitor achievements of MDGs National/International MDGs reports Commitmen t and prioritizatio n of MDGs by the Senegal government Outcome: Design, develop and operate a MDGs indicators database management system Number of MDGs indicators newly compiled Compare former MDGs indicators system against new system Availability of human and financial resources
Outputs A: Staff are able to train on/apply the techniques of using DevInfo/ MS Access for MDGs indicators compilation Number of trainees who are able to manipulate DevInfo/MA Access at the end of workshops Number of Hardware/software made available to the staff by the management Number of MDGs indicators newly compiled by the staff Assessment of the trainees after the end of the workshops Conduct of feedback from trainees Coordination between UNSIAP and Agency for National Statistics & Demography (ANSD/Senegal) Support and cooperation of ANSD with my action plan
Major Activities: Demonstration sessions on how to use DevInfo/ MS Access to manage MDGs indicators Number of sessions held Official records Collaboration of ANSD officials Study of UNMDGs Indicators database/affiliat ed databases; internet search, to extend knowledge on MDGs statistics Number of MDGs indicators extracted Number of database/internet search tools available Collaboration of UN office based in Senegal and access to UN publications and websites