By: Sarah Rave HERE4U
What is it… Website or mobile application device for all iOS products Designed to have user disclose problems they have currently or past or if they’re just having a bad day Members can sign up for free and start a profile with: Name, age, gender, relationship status and who you want to disclose to (ex: women ages divorced) Members are only shown feed of who’s having a rough day and you can SUGGEST something
SUGGESTIONS Comment and “Like” their post This would be saying “I’m here for you” Send gift card (Starbucks $5) Talk Via messenger chat and then can SUGGEST video and if other accepts you can video chat and exchange numbers or other contact info if you think this person is someone who would really help you out with your problem
KNITS Once you find some people you enjoy talking to you can add them to certain Knits. Recently Divorced KNIT Women Interested in Traveling Work KNIT Family KNIT Close Friends KNIT You can disclose different information to different KNITs. Maybe you don’t want you parents to know you failed your test but want to vent to your close friends knit so they can SUGGEST something for you. This would link to your Facebook so you can add Friends you already have automatically.
HERE 4 U Jennifer says: Having a bad day at work AND I spilled my coffee on my lap. UGH! George says: Sorry to hear that Jen! Let’s get lunch soon, miss you! 45 people are HERE 4 u COMMENT Send Gift Ask to private chat Beyonce gave Jennifer a $5 Starbucks gift card with the message: Get yourself a new coffee! KNIT: Work friendsSwitch to other KNITS
Reese Witherspoon Age: 45 Recently Divorced Currently disclosing to: Females years old ADD AS FRIEND Search: Recently Divorced Women Ages Demi Moore Age: 50 Recently Divorced Currently disclosing to: Females and Males ADD AS FRIEND HERE 4 U
Type here… Sarah: Hey Reese, I see that you are recently divorced. I am as well. What have you been doing to keep your mind off of it? Reese: Hi Sarah, I’ve joined started fun hobbies and even found a gym buddy from this site. She is also recently divorced. If you ever want to come with us let me know. Sarah: That sounds great. Would you want to video chat so we can talk more about this? I would feel more comfortable before going to the gym with you. Reese: Sure! ASK TO VIDEO CHAT ACCEPT VIDEO CHAT DENY VIDEO CHAT
Supported By: Social Information Processing Theory explaining how people get to know one another online, without nonverbal cues, and how they develop and manage relationships in the computer-mediated environment However, online relationships take more time to develop than FtF Birds of a feather – people with similarities will join together and want to spend time together Multimodality- chat and then video Rutgers results= you can develop trust online through maintaining relationships Trust develops and then people disclose more Grohol, 2004 Online chat support can be more beneficial than therapy and help a distraught person with their problems
Implications This would help people disclose more freely Develop friendships online Offer support to others in need and in return receive support Asynchronous helps people to think about what they want to say
Sources Baym, N. K. (2010). Personal connections in the digital age. Malden, MA: Polity Press. Kuang, Michael (2011). Self-Disclosure and Liking Online Face-to- Face. New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers Unviversity