Born Twice? D. Chaney 2/09. John 3 John 3:3 – …unless you are born again, you can not see the Kingdom of God What do you see? From God’s perspective or.


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Presentation transcript:

Born Twice? D. Chaney 2/09

John 3 John 3:3 – …unless you are born again, you can not see the Kingdom of God What do you see? From God’s perspective or the world’s? God is in control or man is? Spiritual purposes in things or no purpose? The way you see things, reveals if you’ve been born twice – again

John 3:4-6 Nick (Nicodemus) said, “Hugh?” Surely you don’t mean go back into my mom’s womb…do you??? Jesus said, you gotta be born of water and the spirit Water = human life Spirit = spiritual life

You must be born again Jn. 3:7 Being born of the Spirit isn’t easy to explain Jn. 3:8 So, Jesus offered two comparisons The wind You don’t know where the wind comes from or where it goes The Spirit is kinda like that…

The snake on a pole Numbers 21:4-9 Israel was walking in the desert Growing impatient & complaining All they saw was the natural, & what they didn’t have! They didn’t see God at work or recognize His help

God sent snakes Num. 21:6,7 – poisonous snakes bit them and many died The people cried to Moses for help & he prayed for them Verse 8 – God told him to make a replica of a snake, put it on a pole & lift it up All who are bitten & look at it will be healed

Looking to Jesus We have been bitten by poisonous snakes of this world, sin Worldly poison, sin, will kill us Jn. 3:16 – everyone who believes in him, looks to Him gets healed and receives eternal life We can now see spiritual things and understand spiritual principles Plus we will live forever with Jesus!

Have you been born again? Can you see the kingdom of God? Are you living as a part of that kingdom? Is your perspective from that kingdom? Have you had a spiritual birth? Do you know that God is in control and not man? Will you live forever with Jesus?

Today can be your Spiritual Birthday We lift up Jesus, today Look to Him, believe in Him If you believe in Him, you be healed & receive eternal life You will be reborn, of the Spirit You will see the King and His kingdom and begin seeing things from His perspective