Mind 42 Mind42 is a free, fast and simple online mind mapping application. Mind mapping is about collecting ideas in a graphical way. Ideas get arranged in a tree or star like diagram to visualize connections between different topics. Mind42 is a software application that supports the creation of mind maps. It's a specialized tool to quickly create, manage and edit the kind of data structure required for mind maps. BACK
More Information Mind maps can be used for nearly everything, from to do lists to knowledge collections, but there are better suited tools for that (for example it also would be possible to write a letter with Paint, but nobody would do that). So Mind42 is not a multiple purpose diagramming tool, it's really about entering thoughts, arranging and refining them, and exploring ideas in a graphical way. BACK TO MENU
Example of Mind Map BACK TO MENU IMPORTANT FEATURES -the notes -the icon add
Access and Cost FAST & SIMPLE FREE (Does have annoying advertisements taking up space on the side) You can pay a small fee to make advertisements go away. BACK TO MENU
Classroom integration from Integrated Content Literacy fifth edition Recall Diagramming or Thought Mapping “A recall diagram is a schematic method for relating associated remembrances. The objective is to encourage students to remember information in the order that works best for each of them. Therefore, there should be no restrictions on form or order of recall. The following example is but one model of a recall diagram. Encourage each student to use it as a blueprint to develop the method that works best for them. One way to construct a diagram or thought map is to turn a piece of paper lengthwise. Draw a slanted line from a point near the bottom left corner diagonally across the page. On this line write any idea or point that comes to mind. This idea will work like a magnet for other ideas. It is helpful if this idea is the main idea; however, it does not have to be (See Figure 1.9 pp. 13). Then starting at the bottom, have them draw slash lines alternately on either side of the diagonal line. On these have them write related subtopic ideas they remember. Do not expect them to be able to write all the first time, but just whatever comes to mind. Branching off from these lines they can draw shorter lines. These are for the details that they remember that relate to the subtopics. After a while the diagram will look like the branch of a tree. Some people like to think that these lines are like those on highway maps. The main branch is a interstate highway: each exit leads eventually to a neighborhood of local thought.’ (Wolpow, R., Tonjes, M., 2005).
OTHER SCHOOL APPLICATIONS Two-Color Diagram: Organizational Essay Test: Pre/Post Individual Student Evaluation: Note Taking for Report Writing: Participation in Video Viewing: Small-Group Discussion Facilitator: ELL/Foreign Language Practice: (Wolpow, R., Tonjes, M.,2005, pp )
Art Applications In art there is considerable amount of time that goes into planning for an art project. A digital mind map is a great tool for building ideas. 1.Students could first take an assignment parameters then create their digital mind map. These mind maps would be created as a group where a teacher can access them. 2. This would be a perfect opportunity for formative assessment in the planning stage that can reach a student outside the confines of the classroom. 3.This may also remove the tension that is sometimes created from direct personal constructive criticism. 4.Additionally, students could work in small groups where they could effectively provide electronic peer group feedback. BACK
Learning Curve It took me about an hour to learn to use the basics of the program. Had a little bit of a hang up on linking images; it is the direct link, not the image url. There are group and collaboration options that should provide the enough control to make this a great tool for an art class. I will have to play around a little bit more to fully understand how these work. The export option was simple and worked great, for printing or attaching.
Learning Goals 1. Facilitate and Inspire Student Learning and Creativity. a. Promote, support, and model creative and innovative thinking and inventiveness. -This program will allow me to provide formative assessment to students away from the classroom. -This use of the program will give students a visual mind map to follow their own innovative thinking and inventiveness while creating their artwork. c. Promote student reflection using collaborative tools to reveal and clarify students’ conceptual understanding and thinking, planning, and creative processes. -This use of the program is a 100% dead fit for this standard. Students can independently, or in groups reflect upon their conceptual understanding and thinking, planning, and creative processes. The program provides the opportunity to provide direct feedback as notes that can be object coded to help provide visual reference. d. Model collaborative knowledge construction by engaging in learning with students, colleagues, and others in face-to-face and virtual environments. -The export function can provided a printed map of the planning as well as the virtual map that works great for collaboration the can exceed the limitation of simply teacher to student. 3. Model Digital Age Work and Learning Teachers exhibit knowledge, skills, and work processes representative of an innovative professional in a global and digital society. b. Collaborate with students, peers, parents, and community members using digital tools and resources to support student success and innovation -As above this is great for collaboration, and this could simply be a way to publish student work visually to support students in their achievement. c. Communicate relevant information and ideas effectively to students, parents, and peers using a variety of digital age media and formats d. Model and facilitate effective use of current and emerging digital tools to locate, analyze, evaluate, and use information resources to support research and learning BACK TO MENU
Web Application Mind42 is a web application. This means, it's basically a more intelligent web site. Therefore Mind42 (and the data you created with it) is available everywhere where you have access to the internet, and you don't have to download or install anything. On the other hand this means, it's only available online and there is no downloadable app or local version.
Supported Browsers Mind42 uses modern HTML5 and CSS3 technology. Therefore, to get the best Mind42 experience, you'll need a modern browser like recent versions of Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox or Apples Safari. When using Internet Explorer the best experience is achieved when using Internet Explorer 9 or above. Mind42 will also work with Internet Explorer 7 and 8, but the interface will be shown in a degraded version (without rounded corners, soft shadows and so on). We haven't tested Mind42 with Opera or other browsers, but as long as the browser supports modern standards, Mind42 should basically work.