The flying balloon house is from the Disney Pixar movie “Up”. The house is held up by around 112, 000 balloons so it’s 40 balloons across and deep and 70 balloons tall. It could in the future be a form of transport we use. Most likely not!
Solar coco is a compact, round-shaped eco-friendly vehicle that generates energy from the sunlight. When parked up the “Solar Coco” makes an appearance like a bunch of sunflowers. Users of the “Solar Coco” will swipe a card to open the door and an operator will control which one is fully charged and ready to be used.
At night, the bubble cars are stored on top of telescopic poles. The “car on a stick” consists of four seats for the passengers sitting in a circular formation.
The MOY was developed by Elvis Tomljenovic. It is aimed for those people who love to use the latest technology as a way to communicate with others.This concept will allow you to design your car on your computer and then add the design to your vehicle via wireless data transfer.
These EN-Vs or Electric Networked Vehicles have different shapes and styles: The bubbly blue Jiao, blocky black Miao and streaky red Xiao. The EN-V has all-electric, two-wheel drive train and contains the latest gadgets like GPS, connectivity between vehicles and a collection of cameras and sensors, allowing fully automatic driving.
This concept has been driven by the need for zero-pollution, efficient and affordable cars for the future community and enjoying the freedom of a ride. The ATNMBL is designed as a self- driving car. The standing-height entrance has an electric sliding glass door and when entering, you will be asked for your destination. This vehicle has a touch screen remote and slide up display.
What have we learned? That most cars in the future could be eco-friendly. What are our successes? Getting it done in the time provided with and also making a quality presentation. What problems did we have? We had to rethink our topic question so that it was more realistic by not focusing on just films/ cartoons. What would we do differently next time? More slides on our PowerPoint and checking earlier with the teachers to see if if we’re on the right track. What new questions has our inquiry raised? Would these future concepts actually be made in the future? What success criteria did we meet? contributing to producing a quality presentation and learning more about future transport.