Tashkent Medical Academy Chair of municipal hygiene and occupational health Lecture on municipal hygiene for the 5th course Noise problem in the cities. Influence of city noise on population health
Purpose To acquaint with the main sources of noise, their comparative characteristic, hygienic justification of admissible noise levels.
Main sources of noiseThe automobileThe railThe air
A number of the directions on a noise problem 1. Decrease in noise in a source. Prospects of this action are a little probable. It is transfer of cars to electromobiles. If now all of us transfer cars to electromobiles it will be necessary to increase 2,5 times obtaining energy.
2. Really to solve – to change a design of details of cars. Now in this direction a certain work is conducted. Some cars on 5-10 dB give more noise.
3. The strengthened supervision of maintained cars.
4. Motor transport creation In reply to requirements to limit a shumnost of the equipment, cars, technological processes, automobiles the GOST project «Admissible levels of external and internal noise of motor transport» is created.
Admissible levels of external noise For cars – 80 дбАLorries дбАBuses дбАMotorcycles дбА
Уровни внутреннего шума рекомендуются Легковых автомобилей – 80 дбАГрузовых автомобилей - 85 дбААвтобусов дбА
Характеристика шума Источником шума может быть любое колеблющее тело Шумы различают по происхождению: Механическое;Аэродинамическое и гидродинамическое;Электромагнитные;Вибрационные.
Пути распространения шума Распространение шума по воздуху Распространение шума по твердым телам. Передача шума через отверстия
Классификация Славина I. НЧ – от гцII. СЧ – от гцIII. ВЧ – выше 800 гц
Классификац ия Славина Инфразвук от 1-20 гц Слышимые звуки от гц Ультразвук от гц Гиперзвук от 10 9 – гц
Измерение шума Опросный метод – при этом выясняется влияние шума на самочувствие Приборный метод – шумоанализатор– определяет суммарный шум
Norms established for various placesand conditions of stay of the person independences on the main physiological processes 1. Chambers of hospitals – 25 дбА 2. Living rooms – 30 дбА 3. Offices of doctors – 35 дбА 4. Classes and audiences at schools, educational institutions – 40 дбА 5. Housing estate territories – 45 дбА
Меры борьбы с городским шумом PlanirovochnyeThe technical Administrativna е
Technical measures Decrease in noise of different types of transport (exhaust silencers, amortization of rustling details, motors, running gears); Replacement of a tram, trolleybuses;Release of silent trams.
Administrative actionsProhibition of sound signals; Prohibition of street loudspeakers ; Correct regulation of motor transport of GAI; Penalty on the persons breaking a noise mode; The noise card, allowing to hold everywhere events.
Conclusion Thus, necessary decrease from the sources of transport noise having level 80 dB and more, will demand rather big gaps. For example, for a housing estate this gap should be from several hundred to 500 m and more.