АНРИ ПУПАР-ЛАФАРЖ Закон Ома для транзитных коридоров: как повысить проводимость и снизить сопротивление – взгляд производителя комплексных транспортных систем HENRI POUPART-LAFARGE Ohm's Law for Transit Corridors: How to increase conductivity and reduce resistance – view of Transport system producer
Single European Transport Area OPENING OF THE RAIL TRANSPORT MARKET TO COMPETITION IMPROVING THE INTEROPERABILITY AND SAFETY OF NATIONAL NETWORKS DEVELOPING RAIL TRANSPORT INFRASTRUCTURE Main transport corridors across the EU Manage the vehicle authorization process Open rail markets New operators Optimisation of expenses The European Union’s transport policy aims at strengthening the position of railways vis- à-vis other transport modes through the restructuration of the European rail transport market Technical specifications for interoperability - TSI EU funding for investment in corridors: €26bn for Complete the upgrade of the “Core Network” by 2030 Empower the European Railway Agency for vehicle authorization TGV Duplex in Frankfurt, Germany
Unification of international certification base and authorities Key criteria for RAILWAYS to become a leader of transportation for transit Eurasian corridors Competitiveness - Opening the corridors for private operators and maintainers Strategic cooperation development of international relations Creation of new image for railway transportation Creation of unified technical parameters Customs transit procedures Development of suitable engineering solutions: Railway infrastructure; Signaling; Rolling stock Simplification and unification of administrative procedures Strong support on government level including financing Minimum and secured delivery terms, Speed increase
Freight and passenger solutions of Alstom for new transit corridors Passenger operation Freight operation Classic trains with modern HS multivoltage Locos (EP20) and single or double deck cars HS Trains Pendolin o platform VHS trains Single deck EMU with distributed traction Double Deck EMU with concentrated traction Single Deck EMU with concentrated traction Accelerated loco hauled freight trains, with modern HS multivoltage Locos (2ES5) VHS freight container trains Unified safety and Signaling solutions Rail Infrastructure and Services
With, designing fluidity for Eurasian transit corridors becomes a reality