Co-Inquiry in Afterschool: Learning Science Together Afterschool Science Learning Community December 5, 2011
Do Now Activity: We are collecting some basic information about the science classes in your programs. Please complete the short handout. Thank you!
Agenda 1.Welcome and Ice Breaker 2.The Paper Bag Experiment 3.Introducing Co-Inquiry 4.Experiment 5.Debrief of experiment 6.Reflection on Practice 7.Workshop evaluation
Reflection What kind of experiences do you want your kids to have in science class?
Co-inquiry is the process of learning together in a “structured” way.
Today’s Learning Target I will share with my colleague three co- inquiry strategies I can use in my science classroom.
Co-Inquiry Strategies Guide kids to explore and ask questions Encourage kids to observe and collect data, do research, make a hypothesis, test their hypothesis, make conclusions and do this all over again to refine and improve their understanding Connect what they are learning about and doing to Kids work in pairs or groups and discuss
Co-Inquiry in your classroom develops young peoples’ capacity to… Be curious Collect information (data) and analyze, reflect and modify their ideas based on new information Apply prior science knowledge Work cooperatively
Co- I n q u i r y S t r a t e g i e s Give t h e m t i m e t o e x p l o r e i d e a s Co-Inquiry Strategy Kids will… Give them time to explore ideas or projects Be curious Use science activities that allow them to make observations and collect data Invite them to talk to each other about their findings Give them time to re-evaluate their findings based on new data Collect information (data) and analyze, reflect and modify their ideas based on new information Ask them how this activity or experiment relates to something they’ve seen or done before Apply prior science knowledge Structure activities so that kids work in pairs or small groups Work cooperatively
Experiment time!
Egg Drop Debrief In your table groups discuss the co-inquiry strategies you saw modeled in this activity. Complete the Co-Inquiry Strategies handout We will invite each table to share out
Reflection 1.What co-inquiry strategies are you already using? 2.What co-inquiry strategies will you start to incorporate in the next month? 3.What additional support will you need in order to incorporate additional co-inquiry strategies with your kids?
Learning Target (re-visited) Turn to your colleague and share three co-inquiry strategies you can use in your science classroom.
Youth Surveys What: Youth Pre-Surveys to new science group Who: Science kids, grades 3 rd -5 th When: The first day of program for your next science group of youth.
Reminders Next Meeting: Monday January 9 th, 2012 Location: Techbridge Offices (here) Schedule your observation and coaching visit!