P. Muggli, Summary EuroNAAc 11 Disclaimer 1: all slides with nice graphics and useful information shamelessly stolen from original talks Disclaimer 2:


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Presentation transcript:

P. Muggli, Summary EuroNAAc 11 Disclaimer 1: all slides with nice graphics and useful information shamelessly stolen from original talks Disclaimer 2: everything else is the opinion of the convener Disclaimer 3: convener may change his mind at any time without notice Disclaimer 4: I have 30min. I need to simplify! Sorry! Summary "R & D Plans 1" Patric Muggli Max Planck Institute for Physics, Munich Plans for development of facilities with schedule 5 year perspective (level of approved support: funded/proposed/idea) Motivation and objectives Acceleration goals (summary table) Application goals Possibilities for open access Expectations for network

P. Muggli, Summary EuroNAAc 11

Four “drivers” for photon sources Storage rings Linacs Energy Recovery Linacs (ERLs) Plasma-based (LWFA, betatron)

P. Muggli, Summary EuroNAAc 11 >50 storage ring-based photon sources>50 storage ring-based photon sources Storage rings cannot operate at short, x-ray wavelengths, produce short pulses, because: Too high an emittance Flat, unequal emittances beams Too long for short, coherent photon pulses Low peak current In the context of this workshop:

P. Muggli, Summary EuroNAAc 11 Favors Many dipole magnets Small dynamic aperture Large rings Too high an emittance pm-rad difficult but possible

P. Muggli, Summary EuroNAAc 11 Use undulator insertion device for emittance transformation that preserves  x  y  y ) to get round beam Flat, unequal emittances beams Too long for short photon pulse

P. Muggli, Summary EuroNAAc 11 Great LCLS success Mushrooming everywhere Possibility of operating at higher charge for larger photon flux Quest for single spike coherent pulse: Seeding with high harmonic of a laser Echo, successful SLAC Operation at very low charge (<1pC?) Linacs:

P. Muggli, Summary EuroNAAc 11 Parameters between storage rings and linacs: large average current (SR) and short bunches (linac) Challenge: injector for CW operation, SC system.

P. Muggli, Summary EuroNAAc 11 Challenges and possible progress with all photon source drivers, including plasma-based ones!

P. Muggli, Summary EuroNAAc 11 Many (collaborating) institutions France

P. Muggli, Summary EuroNAAc 11 All (geographically) close to each other

P. Muggli, Summary EuroNAAc 11 Number of institutions, “satellite”, laser systems (ILE, LAL, LCFIO, LLR, LOA, LPGP, LULI, LUMAT, CPhT, IRAMIS, IRFU, CEA – Saclay, SOLEIL) ➤ LOA «Salle Jaune» ~2x60TW after upgrade ➤ CEA/IRAMIS «UHI100» up to 100TW ➤ LASERIX (2J, 40fs), dedicated for X-ray laser facility, also LUIRE pump laser New kids on the block …

P. Muggli, Summary EuroNAAc 11 Very large experimental area!

P. Muggli, Summary EuroNAAc 11 France

P. Muggli, Summary EuroNAAc 11

Elements of a plasma based collider: Conventional + Plasma Plasma + Plasma

P. Muggli, Summary EuroNAAc 11 HEP orientation with quality beams at two main facilities Other physics/applications at satellite facilities

P. Muggli, Summary EuroNAAc 11 Program for RF-gun beam injection in LWFA, TS scattering, PWF with bunch train Italy

P. Muggli, Summary EuroNAAc 11 Aim at: 250TW, 25fs, 10Hz Preliminary LWFA results

P. Muggli, Summary EuroNAAc 11


P. Muggli, Summary EuroNAAc 11 Italy

P. Muggli, Summary EuroNAAc 11 Main objectives: -injection of photo-injector bunch in FLAME-driven LWFA -Thomson scattering

P. Muggli, Summary EuroNAAc 11

Good bunch quality can be produced, preserved emittance

P. Muggli, Summary EuroNAAc 11

Italy PWFA oriented

P. Muggli, Summary EuroNAAc 11 Drive laser manipulation and velocity bunching, emittance compensation for bunch current manipulation

P. Muggli, Summary EuroNAAc 11 Facility in existence

P. Muggli, Summary EuroNAAc 11 Echo-like experiment Train of bunches for large transformer ratio experiments, i.e., large energy gain 5GV/m, 3 bunches, 100pC/bunch, p =300µm (n e ≈10 16 cm -3 )

P. Muggli, Summary EuroNAAc 11 Bunch, not particle acceleration!

P. Muggli, Summary EuroNAAc 11 FEL applications of multi-bunch trains?

P. Muggli, Summary EuroNAAc 11 (of electrons!!!!!!) Germany International

P. Muggli, Summary EuroNAAc 11 Motivation: a single LHC p+ bunch has enough energy (Joules) to produce a TeV, ILC-like electron bunch in a single PWFA!

P. Muggli, Summary EuroNAAc 11 No short p+ bunches => rely on self modulation! Measure bunch modulation, injected low energy e- gain energy 10m, E peak ~1GV/m

P. Muggli, Summary EuroNAAc 11 LoI to be submitted to CERN in June Experiment in 2015? Launch program for GeV electron bunches from a single PPA!

P. Muggli, Summary EuroNAAc 11

Encouraging initial results

P. Muggli, Summary EuroNAAc 11 Strong simulation support

P. Muggli, Summary EuroNAAc 11 France: LUIRE (ILE – ENSTA) : J / 30fs1 shot/min0.5 PW 1 shielded experimental area electron & proton acceleration, x-rays APOLLON (ILE – 2014) 150J / 15fs 1 shot/min10 PW W/cm 2 Large shielded experimental area Long focal length programShort focal length program Electron acceleration Ultrahigh intensities (ultra relativistic) Betatron x-ray sources Ion acceleration (e.g. RPA) Undulators to generate x-ray beams High-harmonic generation on solids High-harmonic generation in gases Ultrashort sources Flying mirror in gases "Solid" flying mirror HED physics Some emphasis on HEP applications (injection, staging, single shot diagnostic, stability, etc.) Linac available for injection (~5MeV) Italy: FLAME: 250 TW, 30fs, 10 Hz system, contrast >10 10, pointing <2µm at focal spot Shielded experimental area Linac for external injection into LWFA and Thomson scattering Linac for large transformer ratio PWFA FEL, imaging Very complete facility Summary of Summary

P. Muggli, Summary EuroNAAc 11 Germany (Munich) Imaging: Thomson, LWFA-FEL, Treatment: LWFA e - and ion acceleration

P. Muggli, Summary EuroNAAc 11 Germany (Munich) and … SPS, 450GeV, p+ to accelerated externally injected e- to 1GeV in 5-10m Submit LoI June 2011 Submit proposal 2012 Start of experiment in 2015 Long term program to accelerate electron bunch to GeV in a single PWFA

P. Muggli, Summary EuroNAAc 11 Trends: Larger lasers: 100TW -> 1PW -> 10PW -> higher energy Higher rep. rates: 1/min. -> 1Hz-> 10Hz More (laser, particle) beam lines More injection (“all optical” or from rf-sources) More diverse experiments: few LWFA (HEP), more photons (  -tron, FEL, Compton), more p+ source, more PWFA -> more applications in the longer term Longer plasmas -> guiding More stability More reproducibility Desire for more dedicated facilities needed to make rapid progress toward LWFA-FEL and PLIC (plasma-based linear collider)? Thank you to all speakers! (I suggest to circulate a empty table to fill to gather all requested parameters) Plans for development of facilities with schedule 5 year perspective (level of approved support: funded/proposed/idea) Motivation and objectives Acceleration goals (summary table) Application goals Possibilities for open access Expectations for network