SETTING The setting is In a small dark town where most of the streets are filled with zombies. its where the cars are pushed to the side of roads and the living dead are on the run to come and attack you. There are barely any people alive. This is the year of 2018
CHARACTERS CharacterPhysical Characteristics Adjectives of Personality Text Evidence /Explanation of Adjectives Big zac1 Tall1 tough1 “oh, please big zac has a eight pack!” 2 Scars all over his body 2 sneaky2 “Are you sure we could trust big zac, he has a zombie bite mark on his shirt!” 3 marble eye3 loner3 “I prefer working on my own!” Dannie1 blue eyes1 emotional1 “Dannie cries when he touches a insect!” 2 blonde hair2 scared2 Dannie swallowed a lump the size of a egg hen. 3 scar across his eye 3 sneaky3 he fallowed pastor mike around the corner and saw him turn into a zombie himself!
CONFLICT The conflict of the story is Man V.S. man. During all the kids were playing outside with there brothers, sisters, and friends. While a famous doctor had done an experiment on soldiers to make them stronger and faster; but something went wrong and they had gotten sick and started craving for blood. He then started eating on the humans and spreading the illness around the world. And now it is up to the kids and teens that have survived to hunt and kill the zombies
SUMMARY OF PLOT rising action- A group of friend’s parents turn into zombies and kids had to kill them. Zombies go from four to one – million! Kids and teens find out the survivors are in a safe town. Kids try to find where the safe town is… Climax- Zombies kill Chong. Town has zombie killers and they join them. Kids get to safe town… falling action- Safe town was ruined! Kids had to go somewhere else. Resolution- To keep fighting and find the cure!
THEME the theme could be violent and shocking! There was 4 zombies that had blood gushing everywhere and it’s eye was dangling like a string was attached to it. page 127 Big zac turned around and saw that Chong was getting fed on by 6 other zombies and noticed that he was already turning into a zombie that’s big zac realized it was time to kill Chong. Page 302
POINT OF VIEW The story is third person point of view. The story is told by other characters in the story. If the story was told in first point of view then the author would have put himself. But yet he isn’t talking about himself.. if he did then he would have been saying “I” or “me” in the story.
SYMBOLISM This book is good for readers who like reading about zombies, paranormal things, and bloody violence.
RECOMMENDATION This book is worth reading because it has great details and makes you feel like you one of the characters in the story. This book is also for people who loves reading about anything paranormal (zombies, vampires, ghost, etc. )