Friday Feb. 27, 2012 Mr. Paulson U.S. History
1. Watch youtube -answer the following: A. What number Amendment to the U.S. Consitution was “Prohibition?” B. What was the name of the “Act” that actually enforced the Amendment and when was it passed? C. When did Prohibition actually go into effect D. What were some unintended consequences? E. What was the result? When? VAFg&safety_mode=true&persist_safety_mo de=1 VAFg&safety_mode=true&persist_safety_mo de=1
Spark # 8 - Youtubes Connect to last Friday and Jazz Speakeasies, dancing, drinking, Jazz – rebel culture Turn stuff in – Jazz, Prohib. Reading ??? Cult Conf Quick notes Summary
18 th Amendment, passed in 1919, enacted 1920 (18, 19, 20) Volstead Act Outlawed sale, manufacture, distribution, consumption of alcohol in U.S. Repealed in 1933 13 year “noble experiment” Answers to Prohib. Reading ???s
Said prohibition was necessary in order to: 1. Eliminate drunkenness and the resulting domestic abuse of wives and kids 2. Close saloons –the cause of prostitution, gambling, etc 3. Prevent “absenteeism” (not going to work) and decrease on the job accidents
Anti-alcohol commercial =DVuwREbGh3w&safety_mode=t rue&persist_safety_mode=1 =DVuwREbGh3w&safety_mode=t rue&persist_safety_mode=1 WCTU – Women’s Christian Temperance Union Carrie Nation MAJORITY of states – 18 th Amendment had to be ratified!!
"annually sending thousands of our youths to destruction, for corrupting politics, dissipating workmen's wages, leading astray 60,000 girls each year into lives of immorality and banishing children from school" "Liquor is responsible for 19% of the divorces, 25% of the poverty, 25% of the insanity, 37% of the pauperism, 45% of child desertion, and 50% of the crime in this country," the League determined. "And this," it concluded, " is a very conservative estimate“ Prohibition Lobby was very strong, very convincing Lecture Tour and slides 10 Nights in a Bar Room
Some did stop…some didn’t – Rural v. Urban Rural south and west P. was very effective---completely ignored/openly defied in big cities Kansas (95%) v. New York (5%) Warren G. Harding (p. 467) – Cocktail parties in the White House DURING Prohibition!!! How did they get it? Speakeasies – illegal bars Bootleggers – illegal manufacturers Bathtub gin – dangerously strong, poor tasting – blindness!! Rumrunners – smugglers from Caribbean and Canada Hip flasks – particularly women Nascar – stock outside, “souped up” inside
What’s the secret password? “Some speakeasies are disguised behind florists shops, or behind undertakers coffins. I know one, right on Broadway, which is entered through an imitation phonebooth…it has excellent beer…”
How about the original goals? 1. Eliminate drunkenness and domestic abuse?? 2. Close saloons??? 3. Get people to work (safely)??? Gangsters and Organized Crime Black Market – Demand remained, took away legitimate sources that met demand, “non-legitimate (non-legal) sources stepped in …sound familiar? Disregard for the Law Long Term Legacy: General disregard for the law Americans refuse to have “morality” legislated to them!!! What do you think?
1933 – 21 st Amendment Why??? Moral Decline Depression Economy (!!! This one is huge !!!) General consensus that the “noble experiment” was a giant failure
Outline 3 arguments to support each position: “Prohibition was a giant failure because…” “Prohibition was a success because…” Next: Does our country’s experience with Prohibition mean anything for the current debate on marijuana or other drugs? Finally, on the bottom, YOUR OPINION: What lessons did America learn from Prohibition? What lessons “should” America have learned from Prohibition?
Watch as much as possible – you can continue on your own