Loans And Debt IB HL
Debt The highest amount of debt is found in Serbia and Montenegro, followed by Russia. There is a high level of debt in Bangladesh and Mozambique. Rapidly developing countries such as China and Vietnam also have high levels of debt.
Debt And Aid Palestine has the lowest debt per person but receives the most aid. Russia receives very little but has high debt. Mozambique receives the same amount of aid as its level of debt. China receives very little aid per person. Statistics will greatly be affected by population size.
Donors And Recipients Main donors are North America, Europe, Australia, New Zealand, and Japan. The main recipients are poor countries. The highest levels of recipients are countries in S.E Asia, Eastern Europe, Russia, and Sub Saharan Africa. The largest donors are USA and Japan but as a proportion of their GNI donate less than 0.25%.
Activities Using Geography Course Companion P , answer the following… 1.Using Table 14.1 (P339), state which countries have the largest and lowest debt per country. 2.Which countries have the largest and lowest debt per person? 3.What are the differences in debt per country and per person? Why? 4.How many times larger is USA’s debt compared to China, Kenya, and Haiti.