INFO 272. Qualitative Research Methods
Outline Observation Participation Recording (Field Notes) Ethics
How to Observe Evenly distributed attention Direct observation and description without interpretation as a way to challenge conventional thinking, discover new categories, concepts [Becker] When relying on observation alone be very careful about imputing motives, general mind-reading.
Varying degrees: ‘going native’ at the extreme striking a balance between insider and outsider Researchers role as translator How to Participate
How to Record Field Notes when? as soon as possible where? somewhere unobtrusive what? – “a running description of events, people, things heard and overheard, conversations among people, conversations with people.” – [Lofland and Lofland] KEY IDEA: Log more data than you know you will need (to support an inductive analytical approach)
How to Record Field Notes BEST PRACTICETECHNIQUE separate direct observation from inference as best you can Put inference/interpretation in brackets [] or in a separate column distinguish between direct quotes and paraphrasing “” for direct quotes and ‘’ for paraphrasing all the specificsdate, time, place names, names and contact info for people Do not be limited to textdrawings, maps, tape small papers into your notebook such as business cards, flyers, etc.
Jottings vs. full field notes There are a series of testimonials. A young man says he had a dream that some specific electronic items in his room were stolen. As a result of the dream he removed the items to another place. The landlady told him she wasn’t worried about things being stolen. Then one night when the man was at a church event (New Years prayer service) and someone broke in to the place. The landlady’s things were stolen and the things he had moved were safe. It is pointed out in this testimony that the landlady belonged to another church [a competitor]. Second testimonial – things are going well with this young man. He is being promoted at work, then a stranger comes into the office and touches his rib. Afterwards he falls ill and is sick for a few months. The “rib-toucher” is described as a devil – [I see allusions to witchcraft] someone who wishes for the downfall of this young man, but he recovers. Third testimonial – girl wishes for things in life – to go to university (which she does) to go on holiday to the UK (which she does). [travel abroad] He calls up a woman from the audience. He gives some sort of prophecy about what will happen to her. She is very emotional and screams out and keeps falling backwards. The reverend comes towards here and this force he is using pushes her backwards – [a spiritual positive force (as opposed to the next woman who is possessed by an evil force)]...
1. Practice evenly distributing your attention 2. Practice breaking down your observation into the most basic descriptions (and distinguish this from your interpretations) 3. Practice recording more data than you think is relevant 4. Bonus points for approaching and engaging strangers in your quest to understand the social setting Assignment 1
Sites Hospitals The DMV Airports Parks/beaches Post office Amusement park Supermarkets, grocery store Bookstores Vet’s office, SPCA Bus stop Beach or park Drinking fountain Gym Art studio Emergency room Elevator Arcade Haunted house Hotel lobby Bicycle racks Parking space, parking garage Ballpark – ballpark stands Driving range Coffee shop Soup kitchen Playground (the Seward street slides) Adventure Playground in Berkeley Plazas – bancroft and telegraph intersection Cheeseboard – the median across from Bank Dog park