7 th Language Arts Mandi White :44 PM
Meet Ms. White Graduated with my Masters in Education in 2007 from James Madison University Hold both an elementary k-8 and a special education k-12 certificate, endorsed in middle grades LA, social studies, and math 9 th year at Akimel Coach cross country Sponsor for Mini-Town and Native American Club 2:44 PM
Grading 80% Assessments 20% Practice (classwork and homework) Assessments will include large writing assignments and projects. 2:44 PM
Curriculum Common Core See my webpage for a link for specific curriculum. 2:44 PM
Reading Read from a variety of genres with accuracy and fluency Read for comprehension and response Read from a district approved list of novels Understand and apply elements of fiction (character, setting, plot etc.) Demonstrate understanding of types of literature (novel, play, prose etc.) Discuss literature during book groups and classroom opportunities Analyze nonfiction forms of writing including text structure and author purpose 2:44 PM
Writing Demonstrate the writing process Explore writing domains (persuasive, expository, narrative, descriptive) Summary writing Letter writing Poetry writing Analyze and Respond to literature Research Grammar Spelling Vocabulary 2:44 PM
Speaking and Listening Participate in collaborative discussions (pairs, groups, and whole class) Oral presentations Multimedia presentations Debates Analyze diverse presentation types 2:44 PM
Classroom Assignments Warm-up (mugshot, grammar review, analyzing prompts, etc.) Vocabulary Grammar Writing Journal Reading Journal Quarterly Book Reviews Quarterly Spelling Tests 2:44 PM
Supplies for Language Arts: Pen/pencil paper reading journal (composition book) reading book spiral notebook index cards (periods 2&3) glue stick 2:44 PM
Textbooks Holt Elements of Literature Holt Elements of Language 2:44 PM
Questions? is the best way to communicate. 2:44 PM
Thanks for coming! I am looking forward to an awesome year working with you and your children!! 2:44 PM