Our Commitment to EXCELLENCE North Atlanta Cluster North Region
PrincipalsSchools Laura Strickling Karen Evans Matthew Rogers Tommy Usher Lorraine Reich Meredith Kaltman Audrey Sofianos Gene Taylor Bolton Academy Brandon Elementary E. Rivers Elementary Garden Hills Elementary Jackson Elementary Sarah Smith Elementary Sutton Middle School North Atlanta High School 6/4/20162 C LUSTER LEADERSHIP
Increase Percentage of Students who Meet and Exceed in Math and/or English Language Arts Increase Teacher Effectiveness Provide More Engagement Opportunities for all Parents 6/4/20163 C LUSTER G OALS
6/4/20164 Enrollment
6/4/20165 Gender
6/4/20166 Ethnicity of Cluster
6/4/20167 Small Groups in the Cluster
6/4/20168 CRCT Data for Grades 3 – 8, by Subject
6/4/20169 EOCT Data, 9 th Grade Literature
6/4/ EOCT, 9 th Grade Literature
6/4/ EOCT Data, Math 1
6/4/ EOCT Data, Math 1
6/4/ Computer Adaptive Reading Performance Fall 2012 District Clusters Reading Performance Bands
6/4/ Reading Performance By Grade Fall 2012 Reading Grade Level (3 rd -8 th ) Performance Band Results North Region
6/4/ Computer Adaptive Math Performance Fall 2012 District Clusters Math Performance Bands
6/4/ Math Performance By Grade
6/4/ C LUSTER G OALS AND S TRATEGIES Integrate Common Core Georgia Performance Standards into International Baccalaureate Units Provide After School Tutorial Opportunities Increase Access to Instructional Resources, such as Technology Increase Percentage of Students who Meet and Exceed in Math and/or English Language Arts
Increase Teacher Effectiveness Develop Professional Learning Communities (PLC’s) Provide Appropriate Support and Feedback in the Teacher Keys Evaluation Process Implement Staff Development in Enhanced Instructional Strategies 6/4/ C LUSTER G OALS AND S TRATEGIES
Provide More Engagement Opportunities for all Parents Offer Informational Meetings, Events & Parent Education Utilize Technological Advances Deliver Translation Services 6/4/ C LUSTER G OALS AND S TRATEGIES
1.International Baccalaureate 2.Vertical Collaborative Planning 3.Transition Programs 5 th to 6 th 8 th to 9 th 6/4/ C LUSTER I NITIATIVES AND H IGHLIGHTS
6/4/ Q & A