Spring 2016
Update your four-year plan Check URSA account for ‘Holds’ and registration date ‘Holds’ prohibit registration Check for transfer credit accuracy
Please click on the CRN number for specific course prerequisites and information Especially: FILM 120, GEOG 390 ART Concentration – contact regarding classes *PTEP program requires a ‘B’ or better in ENG 122 OR ENG 123
TESL 380 Prerequisites: TESL 350 for ESL concentration OR TESL 370 for Language Arts concentration SCED 475 Please click on the CRN # To select the correct, linked Lab
Art Concentration – Contact regarding Music Concentration – MUS prefix courses are for music majors the professors with requests to take their class as elementary education students with a music concentration
3.0 cumulative GPA is a prerequisite for the following courses: EDEL 445/446 Literacy Block EDEL 450 Math and Social Studies Methods EDEL 454 Student Teaching Consider Grade Replacement if needed
Semester prior to the Literacy Practicum EDEL 445/446 ◦ Select the section that lists Vicky Stromberger as the instructor ◦ REMEMBER - complete the Request for Placement Survey (resume, cooperating teacher letter) ◦ Completed or currently enrolled in EDEL 350 unless you have completed EDRD 319 *check with advisor! ◦ Register for Even if you do not presently have the required GPA (3.0), but anticipate you might
The following courses must be completed Prior to final student teaching ( EDEL 454): EDEL 350 or EDRD 319ART 444 EDEL 450 – ‘B’ or betterMUS 305 EDEL 445 – ‘B’ or betterSES 403 EDF 370 ET 247 & ET 347 EDSE 430PSY 347 TESL 370 or 400SCED 475 EDEL 303EDEL 446
Everyone must sign-up for a Group Advising session: Call the ELED Office: OR Stop by the ELED Office : McKee 216
Individual Appointments combined with unofficial grad-check Sign-up for a 15 min. appointment Please be prompt! Watch the Junior Power Point prior to appointment
Teacher Employment Days (TED) April 7 & 8 More than 100 school districts from approximately 14 states will be represented First-hand opportunity to observe the process of teacher candidate interviews Volunteers are needed in numerous areas: ◦ Greeting ◦ Refreshments ◦ Directions/information * Details will be sent via the Listserv
Registration for Interim 2015 begins October 6 th – CHECK!!! ◦ No PIN required ◦ If applicable please check with Financial Aid regarding funding
Registration for Summer 2016 begins April 4th ◦ No PIN required ◦ If applicable please check with Financial Aid regarding summer funding
Jaime Donahue