Support of EMG cases collection and distribution Mária Bieliková, Pavol Návrat, Mária Smolárová Slovak University of Technology Bratislava, Slovakia
SUT BratislavaEMG-net meeting - february Basic features 4EMG cases management 4EMG cases distributed collection local EMG workplace level national level European level (mainly consensus exercises) 4normative data collection and evaluation
SUT BratislavaEMG-net meeting - february Distributed EMG case collection Internet Local database Local DEMG agent (Regional) global database Local database Local DEMG agent (Regional) global database
SUT BratislavaEMG-net meeting - february Data representation 4relational database (SQL) preparation for data mining easy of use (standard queries, summary reports) 4ECCO export and import 4export and import in text format (distribution of cases by ) 4EMG machine data import
SUT BratislavaEMG-net meeting - february ECCO structure (part) * Type I DiagCode ?Side ?Prob. Cat. ?Prob. Vis. ?Severity ?Duration Type II Comment Type III Statement -Logic Type IV DiagText ?Side ?Prob. Cat. ?Prob. Vis. ?Severity ?Duration EMGDiagStatement Seq. No. Type ID Length (Bytes) I I I EMGDiagHeader Confirmed Date – Time CodeTableVer 0 FinalDiagStatement Seq. No. Type ID Length (Bytes) Type II Comment Type III Statement -Logic Type IV DiagText ICD 10 ?Grading s? I * FinalDiagHeader Confirmed Date – Time CodeTableVer II Patient Info Examinaion Info NonEMGInfo Patient ID Last Name First Name Age Date of Birth Sex RaceWeight Height Date of Acquisition Time Used Acquiring Institut. Acquiring Depart. Analyzing Institut. Analyzing Depart. Examinator Years Practising Reason for Refferal Type - Reffering Dpt. Heredity History Neurolog. Findings Clinical Chemistry Pathology Medicine FreeText
SUT BratislavaEMG-net meeting - february Design of relational data model patient diagnosis test conclusion test structure concl. info parameter
SUT BratislavaEMG-net meeting - february Modes of operation 4non-supported a user decides without a computer support about structure, technique, and parameters used 4supported system offers a user “most promising” structures, techniques and parameters according to referral diagnosis
SUT BratislavaEMG-net meeting - february Example of a prototype interface
SUT BratislavaEMG-net meeting - february Multicases editing
SUT BratislavaEMG-net meeting - february Interface for case distribution
SUT BratislavaEMG-net meeting - february Normative values collection
SUT BratislavaEMG-net meeting - february Future plans 4already done understanding ECCO format design of software for case collection support design of software for normative data collection and evaluation relational database design software prototype development 4in progress database implementation analysis of decision support possibilities 4to do finish software development