Educational Services Michael Chechile, Director Lise Charlebois, Assistant Director Elementary Consultants
Program 7:00 to 7:25pm Presentation of Curriculum 7:30 to 9:00 pm 25 min participation in the following classrooms: English Language Arts, French and Mathematics 9:00 to 9:30 pm Wrap up in Boardroom (Meet all Consultants)
Curriculum at Elementary Portrait of present situation What are the guiding principles?
The 5 Subject Areas Languages Mathematics, Science & Technology Social Sciences Arts Personal Development
Provide Instruction SocializeQualify The triple mission of our schools Cross-Curricular Competencies The Quebec Education Program Employability Skills The Conference Board of Canada Intellectual: to solve problems to use information to exercise critical judgement to be creative Manage Information Think and Solve Problems Learn Continuously Methodological: to use effective work methods to use ICT for learning purposes Ease with Technology Work Safely Personal and Social: to develop his/her personal identity to maintain harmonious inter-personal relations to work with others to demonstrate a sense of ethics Demonstrate Positive Attitudes and Behaviors Be Responsible Be Adaptable Team Player Participate in Projects and Tasks Communication related: to communicate appropriately Communicate/Presentation (Québec Schools on Course, Educational Policy Statement, MEQ,)
Paradigm Shift FromTo Access to AllSuccess for All Receiving knowledgeConstructing Knowledge MemorizingUnderstanding TeachingLearning KnowingDoing Mono-curricularCross-curricular Behavioural PsychologyCognitive Psychology Assessment of LearningAssessment for Learning
“We Learn... 10% of what we read 20% of what we hear 30% of what we see 50% of what we see and hear 70% of what we discuss 80% of what we experience 95% of what we teach others.” William Glasser (b.1925)William Glasser
New ESD Web Site